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She reveals a breathtaking view of her generous butt in Dubai

Decidedly, Afida Turner is never close to a buzz on the web! Indeed, the star continues to appear on Instagram to the delight of those who follow her. Today, her publication from the state of Dubai where she is staying has not left her community indifferent. Indeed, the young woman puts for the occasion forward her butt! A publication which obviously did not fail to make Internet users react, always on the lookout.

Afida Turner : always ready to create the event!

A young woman living at 100 miles an hour

It is sometimes difficult to follow Afida Turner. Indeed, it is regularly found all over the world. Thus, the former candidate of Loft Story loves to share her memories with those who follow her. Because the young woman can indeed count on a large community always very interested in these publications. Between extravagance and buzz, Afida Turner is regularly in the news. In addition to his television appearances, his presence on social networks frankly does not go unnoticed. With Afida Turner, it’s always a guaranteed event!

Some of his performances are still etched in all memories. Viewers remember in particular his real clash on the set of Do not touch My TV, almost ten years ago. More recently, his conspiracy theories about the covid-19 had also caused a lot of talk on the set of TPMP. The old one belle daughter of American singer Tina Turner in any case leaves no one without reaction. And this latest appearance in a recent story on Instagram should not, once again, escape the rule. Car Afida Turner is still doing strong, and even very fort ! Objection explains why!

Dubai as a new trendy spot

Indeed, these last pictures ofAfida Turner were caught in the small state of the United Arab Emirates. Because it seems that the young woman has really taken in affection this destination. Moreover, she is far from being the only Frenchwoman to feel good under the blazing sun of the region between sea and desert. We can no longer count the stars from France who have also decided to settle there permanently. Among all these, we can of course cite Nabilla Benattia and Thomas Vergara who have just decided to build a house there. In this long list, we can also add some great sportsmen or the influencer, Caroline Receveur.

Indeed, the city of Dubai is full of very select places. The bars and restaurants are always full all year round, while the climate is more than mild. Moreover in this period of covid-19, the country has decided to leave its borders open so that a large number of tourists can come and relax. Like many others, Afida Turner therefore decided to treat himself to some Well time on the spot. She therefore takes the opportunity to share a snapshot that quickly went around the web. Objection explains why this latest publication is far from going unnoticed.

A shot taken from behind

Afida Turner had indeed decided to treat himself to a small jet-ski excursion in the bay of Dubai. For the occasion, a relative seemed to have decided to burn the event. Thus, the young woman shares a story Instagram on which she reveals the result to her fans. And a few small details did not fail to catch the attention of his community. Indeed, Afida Turner wears a rather remarkable jersey. And for good reason, the fabric does not hide much. You could even say that the style is quite minimalist. Which therefore, offers a breathtaking view to her fans on her butt, while she is on the sea.

We imagine therefore that the public present on site must have been very interested in this vision. Just like its community Instagram who did not fail to react in numbers. One more time, Afida Turner has therefore succeeded in creating a buzz among those who have become addicted to his media appearances. Indeed, that we love Afida Turner or hate her, Tina Turner’s ex-daughter-in-law leaves no one indifferent. Each of his appearances is a real small event, just like his speeches which are generally remembered. In any case, we can not blame him for not lacking spontaneity and offering moments that are at the very least sympathetic to Internet users. With Afida Turner, the surprise is indeed, always at the end of the road.

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