– When I was home 10 years ago on the first of January and was expecting my little girl, I made a decision: I’m going to do this seriously from now on! By that time, I had conducted the lazis of acquaintances and a couple of strangers, I had also attended my own wedding, and I got to know the profession on a hobby level. Of course, I had many questions: can I do this, what does it entail, what is it like from the inside that you can only see from the outside, even as a guest? Fortunately, there were people who trusted me, so I could practice. Of course, I didn’t do these undertakings for a salary at the time, in fact. Looking back, I would do the hosting and organization differently today than I did then. Thank God I have improved since then, but these were good opportunities for me that showed me a direction. When I came to Gyes, it was just a dream that I could one day have my own business. I was a secretary at the time, but I also worked as a teacher, legal assistant, and event organizer before, and I also have a degree in broadcasting. Still, I always felt that my own business was the path for me. Of course, there were years when I felt that none of my dreams would come true or that it wasn’t for me, but everything always fell into place and my previous experiences helped me become who I am now.
– So did the first weddings provide a good opportunity to reveal this?
– Yes, as well as how much the world has developed in terms of wedding planning. To find out, there is no longer only a best man, but also a more modern host! Before, I didn’t even know that there was a master of ceremonies, which many people are surprised by to this day. But I knew that my experience and abilities made me suitable for this, so I took the plunge. I took it so seriously that I created my own website and started social communication, which I consider to be of fundamental importance to this day. Of course, in order to realize my ideas, I needed the support of my husband and my family.

– What attracted you so much to weddings?
– The freedom that business gives. At the age of 30, I decided that being an employee was not for me. I am motivated by finding an opportunity that makes me feel good, that I can make a living from, and that I don’t have a boss. Because of course the couples are also my bosses, but it is still a business in which I make the decisions. I was very attracted to it that it was diverse and that I could be around happy people. Because even though there can always be conflicts and unexpected situations at a wedding, you are still basically surrounded by happy, smiling people, in a fun life situation.
– Unexpected situations can be very challenging…
– Yes, because even though I always tell him that everything will be fine, I always prepare myself for that certain “but…”. So when something happens that I never dreamed of, I take a deep breath and say: let’s solve this now! After all, I’m there so that the young couple doesn’t run around and they don’t get nervous, since I’m the support pillar who supports them in these situations as well. Even after 10-12 years, I can say: this is what I really like to do! Now I feel that I am in my place, even if sometimes I experience situations more difficult.

– As a mother and a woman, building such a one-person, independent business is, let’s face it, a very serious job, even in the 21st century. Those who do not see behind the scenes may not know this. How do you see what lies behind the freedom that is now yours?
There are also great sacrifices behind freedom. All my weekends from spring to fall are booked. There is no illness, fatigue, travel, or family event that prevents me from attending an event. As a mother, I was shocked by this for the first time, for example, when my daughter was still in kindergarten and she had to draw her summer experiences. My child drew Lake Balaton, himself and his father. And I was nowhere. Then I realized that I really can’t be present in those moments of his life, which belong to summer experiences, for example. From his point of view, this is a completely understandable formulation of our life situation, and although it has taken a toll, I try to think of the positive side of it. For example, that a father-daughter relationship has developed between them, which might not exist if I were always sitting on their necks. Or that this freedom gave me the opportunity to go to school with him on weekdays, take him to special lessons, and be there for him when he studies. You can turn to me with all your problems and stories, which, I think, compensates for the fact that I work on weekends. And what kind of work is behind this freedom? Giant. Continuous presence, availability and uninterrupted online communication. I think that a basic condition in my work is to communicate correctly and well, which requires well-formulated thoughts and messages. The website must be constantly updated and developed, and in the meantime I always follow the ever-changing trends. Because it’s not like you get used to using one social platform and when you communicate on it, everything goes your way. There are always newer and newer online interfaces that require different types of communication. And today it can be said that fewer and fewer people watch the usual, the older ones, especially young people. So you have to learn to use the new ones too, and there is certainly no day off. This is one of the biggest background tasks that others don’t see. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t work. Even on vacation, I answer the phone and answer letters.

– I think this humility is essential to live life wholeheartedly and wholeheartedly. Because this is not a job, but a profession…
– By September-October, of course, I also get tired, since I am also human, but then I have to tell myself to work with double the attention, because I cannot make mistakes. I know that a lot of people still work, say, at night or in shifts, so they know exactly how you get tired after a while.
– Yes, but your situation is different in that there is no such thing as the end of working hours. Do you always have your phone in your hand?
– The child always says it’s because you’re always on the phone! But for me, calling on the phone does not mean scrolling through social media sites, but a work tool, and I explain this to him. That’s where I make the photos and edit my stuff. Of course, from this he only sees that it is always in my hand, so why can’t he do the same? This is also the difficulty of being a mother-entrepreneur.
– How was your year 2023?
– It’s different compared to the previous ones. There were a remarkable number of cancellations, in several cases the wedding was called off a week or two, a month before the event. There were all sorts of reasons behind it, from a breakup to a health problem to financial considerations, but one thing is for sure: I regretted all of them, because it would have been good if even more people could see how I work. Because that’s the point for me. But even so, I worked almost every weekend during the season all over the country.

– How can you manage a wedding well in a completely foreign environment?
– I only undertake weddings in Hungarian-speaking areas, but I can tell you that a good organizer who can be found anywhere in the country conducts his event with confidence, as if he had lived there for a thousand years. They can’t see on me that I don’t know where to go, because it has to be made to feel that I always know where to go – although, of course, that’s not always the case! On the occasion of unexpected events, no one can see panic or amazement in me, only that I say: let’s solve it then!
– Your tagline is “Girlfriend of the Bride”, which, if I remember correctly, it is a Fejér County Newspaper article written with you inspired by its title. Does this best show your attitude?
– Indeed, in this 2015 article I talked about how I operate in these jobs. After all, this is a position of trust where we become friends with the bride. And when I was looking for a slogan, this title came to mind, so thank you for the idea! Of course, not everyone works with this habitus, some people strike a more official tone.

– What does your year 2024 look like?
– The year is going well, January is the period with the largest requests for quotations, so my final program calendar can be formed by February-March. For this, we will measure with the family when we can organize joint programs. I think I have already let go of the spasm of uncertainty. But at least I’m trying. This is only possible if you save and always plan. After all, unexpected events can happen in any business.
– Really, what if you get sick or can’t attend a wedding for any other reason?
– There’s no such thing, I’m always there. I had previously tried to train a team of female master of ceremonies, with whom we will work together, but unfortunately it did not work out. They applied for it, and we started working, but when I saw that I couldn’t expect from others the hundred percent that I put into it, I rather let it go. At least for a while. Now, of course, I go even if I’m sick, have a fever or have laryngitis. Of course, I have master of ceremonies friends that I can count on and they count on me, but so far it hasn’t been necessary. I used to say that as long as I’m not in the hospital, I’m there! I’m looking forward to this year as well. Now, for example, there will be a wedding where, in addition to the couple to be joined, there will be two spouses who were also joined by me. I can’t wait for the joint photo to be taken with them! These experiences give you the ammunition to continue!