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She is sentenced to 50 years without due process for alleged kidnapping

Sign or we will kill your daughterthe Tlaxcala ministerial police officer told Keren Selsy Ordóñez Hernández, after torturing her. She had not seen her one-month-old baby for 11 hours. And without hesitation he signed a document that he was not even allowed to read, where he acknowledged having participated in a kidnapping.

That December 11, 2015, Keren, 19 years old, went to a house located in Xalapa, Veracruz, where Fernando Hernández Martínez was working, who assured him that he would give him money to buy diapers. She was carrying her baby in her arms, but upon arrival she was intercepted by federal and ministerial police from Tlaxcala who detained her, along with her ex-partner and another man.

Without an arrest warrant, Keren and her baby were put into a vehicle and taken to a roots house in Tlaxcala. Along the way she was beaten by the police who also tried to suffocate her and threatened to make her baby disappear because she still did not have a birth certificate.

I don’t know if it was a trap

Keren recaps the most terrible moment of her life: That day, at 7:50 I received a call from my daughter’s father, my ex-partner, and he asked me if I could go to a house where he was working cleaning. I located the place because it was two blocks from my parents’ house. It was 8:10 at night, he was already outside and when I was arriving, the police also arrived. In a few moments they surrounded us and detained usdice a The Day from the Cereso de Apizaco, Tlaxcala.

Duck: I don’t know if he set me up, I don’t know if he knew; What I found out later is that they found a kidnapped person inside the house, although they arrested me on the street and still linked me to the crime..

Keren is still very affected psychologically and with evident trauma from her deprivation of liberty: My mind was blocked, the only thing I remember is asking God for my baby’s life. I carried her in my arms and told God that it didn’t matter what happened to me, but to take care of my daughter..

She says that after her arrest they took her to a roots house: Many hours passed without seeing my daughter, then they left her with me for moments to feed her. I lost track of time, then they took me out of there and put me in another vehicle. I never knew where they were taking me. Now I know that we stopped in Huamantla, Tlaxcala.

There they tortured her, beat her and tried to suffocate her several times with a plastic bag. The ministers demanded that he tell them details of the kidnapping: Daughter of your fucking mother, tell me the truth, we are going to kill your baby if you don’t confess.a ministerial police officer told him. And finally, at the Attorney General’s Office of the state of Tlaxcala, they took his daughter away from him.

Next, the then prosecutor of Tlaxcala, Alicia Fragoso Sánchez, issued a bulletin showing Keren’s face, pointing out that thanks to the coordinated work of the Specialized Anti-Kidnapping Group they had rescued a 20-year-old girl who was kidnapped and detained in flagrancy to those involved.

The complaints for folder making judicial proceedings against the then prosecutor and now against the prosecutor Ernestina Carro Roldán, abound. And although human rights organizations have notified the Morenoist governor, Lorena Cuéllar Cisneros, of the cases of dozens of innocent people in the Tlaxcala prisons, she has done nothing to remedy it.

Multiple irregularities

After signing the fabricated statement, the baby was sent to the State System for the Comprehensive Development of the Family (Sedif) without taking into account the best interests of the minor, nor the measures to safeguard her physical and emotional health. The judicial authorities did not notify their relatives either. The Tlaxcala prosecutor’s office presented a certificate of physical integrity stating that a one-month-old girl as a detainee. Thirteen days later, the baby was recovered by her maternal grandmother, Ciria Hernández García, 63 years old: I was looking for her and they didn’t give us a reason. The girl did not appear. They had even already given her up for adoption because the baby did not have a birth certificate to protect her.he says in an interview.

Ciria cries inconsolably when she remembers what the three of them experienced: My daughter breastfed the girl and when they held her in captivity I heard her cry and cry because the baby was hungry. My daughter had a cesarean section and I was helping her with the baby who was not even a month old when all this happened. It is illogical what they accuse her of.

He says that he obtained all the evidence to prove his daughter’s innocence, but then the authorities disappeared it: There is nothing in your file. I put in original cigars, from the card, from medical appointments for the pregnancy, the document where the girl was given birth, the woman who donated blood, the sheet with the baby’s painted foot, a record from the block manager where it is stated who lived here; I entered all the certificates of her studies: preschool, primary and secondary school because they accused her of living in Tlaxcala and the authorities said that she lived in a house in Huamantla and that she was rich. Pure lies, everything was fabricated.

Ex-officio litigators who never worked

Keren had a trial and a 50-year sentence without due process: “I felt like the world fell on me, I went into shock. They gave my daughter public defenders who never worked, they treated us with the tip of the toe. We are poor, but we have never had any problems with the authorities, always from work to home. “My daughter is innocent.”

He adds crying: We have experienced a process that not even our worst enemy would wish for. Six months later I went to see my daughter, it was terrible. Even when I touch on this topic my wound bleeds. I feel immense pain, a pain like when I gave birth to her. This pain has no explanation.

Finally, Ciria raised her granddaughter, baptized with the name Ashley Yaritza, currently nine years old. The girl knows the story that unjustly keeps her mother in prison: “The girl is growing up and asks me many questions that I don’t know how to answer. And he tells me ‘If my mother is innocent, why haven’t they released her? Is it because we don’t have money?’ “She already understands that sometimes the authorities lie and are corrupt and only with money do they free the innocent.”

Ashley met her mom through video calls. A few days ago he went to a sit-in to demand his release and suffered a setback in his emotional and psychological state: Now wet the bed. I’m already taking her to the psychologist. We are retired and I take care of my mother. Everything that has happened to us hurts a lot, my soul hurts, but we walk with our faces held high..

Ciria is a believing woman and regrets that Keren has been unjustly deprived of going to school and seeing her daughter grow up: I raise my voice and ask that the judge act with justice and with the wisdom that God has given him. What we are crying out for is justice. God appointed these authorities to be righteous. Someday, God is going to claim them because they have many innocent people in prison. And to the people who put it there I wish that divine justice will take their toll. Nobody leaves without paying.

Keren’s ex-partner, who was 17 years old at the time of his arrest, was released from child care in 2019 because he was tried as a minor and served a 5-year sentence: He walks free. He never talks to Ashley. We don’t know anything about him. He completely ruined my daughter and now he walks around as if nothing had happened..

Times are slow and very long

Two years ago, the Miguel Agustín Pro Juárez Human Rights Center (Centro Prodh) took charge of the comprehensive defense and representation of Keren, turning around his legal situation, achieving the reinstatement of the process by Judge José Eduardo Morales Sánchez, of the Traditional Criminal System Specialized in the Administration of Justice for Adolescents: Economic vulnerability, the persistence of the practice of torture in Mexico, and gender discrimination and inequality placed Keren in the middle of a process of injustice.points out the Prodh Center.

Among the main human rights violations that the judicial authorities of Tlaxcala have perpetrated against Keren are arbitrary detention, illegal detention, torture and deprivation of the freedom of her baby.

These nine years in prison, being innocent, have marked my life in a very tragic way. They took away not only my freedom, but also being with my daughter. They took away the possibility of fulfilling my dreams. I can’t say those dreams are over because I still have them. Despite everything I maintain the hope of being free, I know that I am innocentsays Keren, unable to contain her tears.

During the trial, to her surprise, the prosecution presented her as intellectual author of the kidnapping of a person he doesn’t even know. The 50-year sentence was handed down by the judge without any evidence: “They have no evidence against me. “Everything started from ‘evidence’ that was actually fabricated by the Public Ministry.”

In the fabricated version of the Tlaxcala prosecutor’s office, lies abound. They point out that Keren was found inside the home, they claim that she fed the kidnapped person: The victim’s statement where she supposedly accuses me does not have a signature.

After the unjust sentence, Keren appealed and sought protection, and finally his lawyers managed to reinstate the case: The process has been very long, we have been fighting for two years under the pretext of confrontations. The judicial system and times are slow and very long. However, we have already achieved closure of the investigation and I am awaiting sentencing. There is the likelihood of an acquittal by pleading not guilty, but there is also the risk of being convicted again even though there is no evidence to do so. I am innocent, I only ask for my freedom.

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