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She hung the house with icons and lost touch with reality: what happened to Meladze’s ex-wife

Ruslana Alekseeva

45 minutes ago

Valery Meladze with his first wife and children

In 2014, the famous singer Valery Meladze divorced his wife Irina, with whom he lived for 25 years and raised three children – Inga, Sofya and Arina. It turned out that the performer of the hit “Beautiful” lived for several years in two families, meeting with the ex-soloist of the VIA Gra band Albina Dzhanabaeva. Razluchnitsa gave birth to the then married Valery son Konstantin.

The divorce was a great tragedy for Irina. She was very upset by the collapse of her marriage. “I felt like I was flying down. I knew that I needed to grab on to something. I didn’t understand why, ”Irina Meladze shared in an interview.

Heartbroken, Irina found an outlet in Buddhism. At some point, the ex-wife of the artist went headlong into the Indian religion. She even planned to move to a Buddhist island. Sobering up came after watching Pavel Lungin’s film “The Island”. Irina realized that she had chosen the wrong path. The story of the main character of the picture – Father Anatoly – turned Meladze’s mind upside down. She took up the study of Orthodox literature.

Irina Meladze began to visit the Intercession Monastery, asking for help and consolation from the Matrona of Moscow. A little later she became the tinderbox of the monastery. At some point, Irina says, she even lost touch with reality.

“I was so fried at first that I generally … If you confess, then confess. A man with a cross is a man, a man without a cross is not a man for me. My world is black and white. I read only Orthodox books, I have no other literature. What is called, squeezed me to the fullest, ”recalls the ex-wife of the performer of the hit“ Beautiful ”.

Recently, Meladze, together with her daughters, moved to a new large and beautiful house. It took five years to build the house. Irina herself supervised the construction site, came up with the design of the premises. The house of Irina Meladze is decorated with great taste – luxurious finishes, exquisite interior items. The dwelling of the artist’s ex-wife is hung with rare altar icons. Irina’s bedroom is her little cell, where she retires to pray at a makeshift altar.

House of Irina Meladze

Recently, Irina Meladze graduated from the higher theological courses of the Moscow Theological Academy. Now the ex-wife of the artist can teach theology at Sunday school.

Irina forgave her ex-husband a long time ago. She has no regrets. Moreover, Meladze is glad that the situation has taken such a turn. The last years of marriage were not happy for her. Irina is sure that she is favored by God.

“Moreover, I’m still grateful to him (Valery Meladze – ed.), because if it hadn’t happened for what happened with him … This was generally the point of my awakening,” says the former chosen one of the artist.

Irina Meladze in a new house

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