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She dies in childbirth with her baby. The anger of family members: “Tell us why”

It was supposed to be the day of joy, it turned into the darkest nightmare. A 39-year-old mother, Candida Giammona, and her newly born baby died. “They left at the same time, in two different hospitals – says Maria Alario, the lady’s mother with a blank stare – both at 12.40 on the worst Sunday of my life”.

Candida Giammona had arrived at the Candela clinic on Friday morning to give birth to her baby. She was at the end of the thirty-ninth week and she was beaming, albeit a little tired from her baby bump getting too big. After 16 hours of hospitalization, stimulation of childbirth and an emergency cesarean, something went wrong. Up to the irreparable. The doctors of the gynecology department of the Buccheri La Ferla hospital attempted a desperate intervention to rescue the woman from death.
Candida Giammona was married and the mother of a two-year-old girl, the newcomer would be called Leon. “They told us that the uterus had burst. But why didn’t they remove it directly at the time of delivery? Why did my daughter die?”, Maria Alaimo despairs in front of the Buccheri La Ferla hospital. The victim’s husband is sitting on the ground, with his head in his hands.

The family members filed a complaint with the police, the prosecutor opened an investigation and the two bodies, but also the placenta and medical records, were seized. “We are respectful of a dramatic event and the pain of family members. The patient was suffering from a disease that rarely causes complications of this kind. We await the outcome of the investigations”, say from the management of the clinic.

Maria Alario cries: “We don’t know much about the baby’s death either”. And she says: “We stayed in front of the clinic for a whole night, without anyone telling us anything. Then a doctor handed me my daughter’s bag. I didn’t understand. Shortly after my daughter passed on a stretcher and was loaded on an ambulance. She was already dead, I understood that. We had to chase that ambulance because no one told us where they were taking her. “

Candida arrived at the Candela clinic at 8.30 on Friday. At 9.52 am, with already induced labor, he sent a selfie to his mother. “Get ready, in three days you will hold your grandson Leon in your arms”, the message that accompanied the photo. At 1.11 pm another photo, this time during the track. Everything was proceeding as per protocol. Thirty minutes after midnight Candida sent another message to her husband: “I’m in the bathroom, I heard something, there’s blood.” He tried to reassure her, advised her to call a doctor. At 3.20 the husband beat his fists on the Candela door to get news of his wife. “By now – says Maria Alario – we were anxious. At 6 o’clock an ambulance arrived and my daughter was taken away”.

At Buccheri the patient arrived in cardiac arrest, after an hour of maneuvers the heart started again. But the conditions of the woman and the child, who fought alone in the Civic hospital, were now too serious.

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