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She already quit again. Why do young people change jobs so often…

On purpose. How many times have you changed jobs in your life? Never, twice, five times, you can’t even count? Why do we change places so often?

Are we lazy? Are superiors annoying us? Colleagues? Are we not fulfilled by the work we do? We can’t face problems, that’s why we prefer to run away? And aren’t we genetically predisposed to this, similar to people who change partners often and are unfaithful?

The young and the restless

Most people from the older generation believe that leaving a company before a year is unacceptable. This is also confirmed by a survey conducted by CV Library, the largest UK employment web platform. It showed, among other things, that occupational promiscuity most often affects people who were born after 1982. 65 percent of employees in the 18-24 age category have a positive attitude to frequent job changes and consider less than a year to be the ideal time to change jobs. Why are they so quick to flee elsewhere and what are the main reasons that lead them to do so? And what are the reasons for changing jobs for older people who have already passed a part of their lives?

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The reasons are various

The results of a UK survey indicate that the number one reason why employees left their last job was better financial compensation elsewhere. Other reasons are also the lack of progression and the frustration of lack of fulfillment. It’s clear that a lot of young people know their worth and aren’t afraid to look for new opportunities – especially when they’re not getting what they need in their current jobs. But sometimes it’s just exaggerated self-confidence and “big eyes”. Recently, the owner of a small Czech pharmaceutical company told me that she was looking for new employees. Of the fifty young college graduates, almost two-thirds of them wanted a salary right from the start, which even the CEO does not have, and moreover, they conditioned their entry on the fact that they would not go to work at all. The fact that it is necessary to do most of the work in the laboratory for a specific position, they either did not understand, or they argued that it is enough to come in person once a week, but it is not a problem, they can handle it with their left behind. In the end, only five applicants passed the screening, who understood that research cannot be done at home in the kitchen.

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Forever dissatisfied

Coach Jana Řehulková often works as a consultant in various companies for selection procedures. He studies the resumes of job applicants, conducts motivational interviews with them, evaluates psychodiagnostic tests and provides the employer with their personal profile. “So I can say from experience that there is really a group of people who are eternally dissatisfied and still searching. But they often don’t know what exactly. They would like to have an ‘ideal job’, well-paid, with interesting employee benefits, inspiring, interesting and fulfilling. But the problem is that often their dissatisfaction does not come from the work itself, but from dissatisfaction with themselves, with their life, with their relationship. Or they are simply bored and work gradually ceases to provide them with sufficient stimuli, opportunities and inspiration. In the beginning, it is still possible when a person starts a new position, he has to work hard, learn a lot of new things, get to know a new environment, new colleagues, or customers. Gradually, however, the influx of new stimuli weakens, he already knows a lot of things, he adapts to the new environment… and a stereotype begins to appear,” Jana Řehulková explains the reasons.

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A recent survey by Grafton Recruitnment found that nearly three-quarters of employees are mostly satisfied at work. Even so, only 45% of respondents want to stay in their job in the following period. 22% of respondents are actively looking for a new job, another third are open to a good offer. The most common reason is insufficient financial remuneration, which is complained about by up to 65% of employees.

Starters and retractors

Which group do you belong to? Do you like to start projects, are you always at the starting line, or are you one of those who prefer to see things through? As coach Jana Řehulková says, we are all different, and some people are innately more starters, but not finishers. “For example, they enjoy the initial phase of implementing new projects, overcoming obstacles, finding creative solutions, moments of surprise and gathering new experiences. However, as soon as the routine and stereotype get into the work, they stop having fun and start looking for other new stimuli.” It is therefore important that everyone explores and knows their options, ideas and expectations. And also innate aptitudes and dispositions. “In other words, so that the work ‘fits’ into what we are equipped for, what is innate to us and naturally copies our inner potential. Already with children in primary and secondary schools, it is possible to take tests that reveal the prerequisites for a certain professional focus and type of occupation. Work makes up at least a third of our productive life, it brings us not only a source of livelihood, but also the possibility of self-realization and professional development. And last but not least, it is also an environment for the realization of social skills and relationships. Therefore, it is not out of the question to pay a lot of attention to the choice of profession and job position and choose really carefully,” recommends the coach.

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Are you not fluctuating?

Even seven years ago, according to statistics, Czechs changed employers once every eight years. Now it’s an average of once every four years. The youngest, between twenty and thirty, then on average once every three years. According to recruitment agencies, in the future it will not be strange for a thirty-something to change jobs fifteen times! This may not look good on the resume, and it is up to the applicant to explain his “hop jobbing”. “When a person comes to an interview who has changed 19 jobs across the spectrum of fields and positions during a ten-year career. Alternatively, between leaving one job and starting another job, there are always several months in the records of the Labor Office, which does not exactly give the employer a guarantee of its stability, consistency and loyalty twice. Especially when, for example, he mentions that he left most places because of problems in the team,” explains coach Jana Řehulková. Jitka Součková, marketing director of the Grafton staffing agency, says that in view of the unemployment rate, employers today are not bothered by frequent job changes as they once were. “And that’s especially the case with unqualified positions, for example in labor positions, no one is solving it. For higher positions, the ‘notorious’ fluctuating person is, of course, viewed differently in companies. But it can’t be said in general terms, it always depends on why a person left a given position.”

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Motivation above all

According to personnel experts, more and more people will change jobs. Companies should therefore take care of their employees, motivate them and invest in them. Especially young people who have no problem leaving from day to day. And it has certainly not been the case for a long time that companies only keep their employees with food stamps or a business phone. Recruiters say more creativity is needed. The work environment plays a significant role. Although many industries and companies have worked from home in the last two years, after the return to normality, many employees are looking for more than just a clean open space. “They offered me a job at a competing company for more money, but when I saw that the new one didn’t have relaxation zones or corners with a variety of refreshments, I preferred to stay where I was. They added me in the final, so I’m satisfied,” says 35-year-old Martin.

More praise won’t hurt

A friend of mine quit her job mainly because her boss never complimented anyone. “She never said that we were fighters, that we had completed the difficult project, or that we had won any prize. She took it for granted. But when something went wrong, she threw it in our faces immediately. It is simply not possible to work in an unempathic atmosphere for long. Money is not everything either,” says Hanka. Now she works in a similar position for less money, but she is satisfied because there is a partnership and respect between everyone. “I value that more than the extra two thousand I had before,” she adds. Coach Jana Řehulková confirms this. “Another reason why people often change jobs is the permanent feeling of insufficient appreciation, whether financial or verbal recognition. Even here, however, it can be related to a feeling of underappreciation. Sometimes the roots are already in childhood, they come from the primary family, from an existing relationship, lack of courage to present your success, ask for a salary increase and so on. Often at seminars on communication or assertiveness, I teach participants to be able to ‘sell’ themselves, to be able to talk about adequate financial compensation. They are mostly surprised that the reason for which they would have already left work has a quite simple and accessible solution,” explains the consultant. There would be many reasons for leaving work and changing jobs. But it is unlikely that in twenty jobs, the reason for our dissatisfaction would always be the employer, the environment or the working conditions. “As with promiscuity in relationships, it probably won’t be objective to find fault with the twenty different partners we’ve replaced in quick succession. In such cases, it is therefore important to look for the causes and reasons for dissatisfaction within ourselves, because otherwise we deprive ourselves of the opportunity to experience satisfaction from professional growth, from a promisingly developing career or work progress,” says Jana Řehulková. And unfortunately, none of this will happen if you only stay in each job for a trial period.

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Ideal job

Jana Řehulková, certified coach and relationship counselor

It is good to take into account that there is no ideal job, some part of it can always be less interesting, boring or even annoying for us. For the most part, sociable, communicative people are not fulfilled by administration and “paperwork”, while careful and precise people can be stressed by, for example, actively reaching out to new customers. Therefore, it is appropriate to see the “harder” or less pleasant part of the job as a challenge rather than an obstacle that makes me consider leaving the job.

SOURCE: Vlasta magazine, www.janarehulkova.cz

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