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Sharp and deep pain, testing even the will to live

[오늘의 키워드] complex regional pain syndrome

The pain experienced by patients with complex regional pain syndrome is beyond imagination. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]

Complex regional pain syndromeCRPS) is a chronic pain disorder with severe pain, swelling, and skin changes. The areas affected are mainly the arms and legs. It can also spread to other parts of the body.

Symptoms vary from patient to patient. The color and temperature of the skin may change, swelling, or an abnormality in the shape of the nails may occur. Of course, the biggest feature of CRPS is excruciating pain. Even without external stimulation, pain like being pricked by a needle, pain like being cut by a sharp knife, or pain like squeezing appears in the arm or finger. Those suffering from the disease unanimously say that physical pain is imaginary. A few years ago, a man suffering from CRPS talked about euthanasia because he couldn’t stand the pain of the disease.

Risk factors that can cause complex regional pain syndrome include smoking, historical factors, and psychological factors, but none have been clearly identified.

Unfortunately, there is still no treatment that guarantees a cure for CRPS. However, several complex therapies are used. Experts point out that it is good to combine medication, physical therapy, and psychological treatment including supportive psychotherapy.

Although difficult to treat, it can be cured if detected early and treated aggressively. However, if the symptoms or signs progress slowly or are very severe, or if active treatment is not implemented due to delay in diagnosis or treatment, it becomes a chronic disease. This significantly reduces the quality of life.

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