Home » today » Entertainment » Sharon Osbourne LIKES she opted for a facelift: “It hurt like hell. I looked like a CYCLOP pie * dolons”

Sharon Osbourne LIKES she opted for a facelift: “It hurt like hell. I looked like a CYCLOP pie * dolons”

Last year Sharon Osbourne she learned the hard way what “cancel culture” means. Wife Ozzy’ego Osbourne’a she found herself in the fire of criticism after she pledged her support for her friend from the times of the American “Got Talent”, Piersa Morgana in his battle against Meghan Markle. As a result, the British herself faced accusations of racism and led to her dismissal from the program “The Talk”.

Being thrown out of the CBS station and the accompanying embarrassment in front of the eyes of the whole world caused Osbourne to experience depressive states. Desperate, a celebrity decided to undergo an innovative therapy in which it is used ketamine, i.e. a psychoactive substance classified as a psychedelic dissociative. It is used in human and veterinary medicine as a drug for preoperative anesthesia (mostly horses). As it turned out later, the effect of the treatment exceeded the expectations of the British who after all, she is not a drug novice.

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If you’re the kind of person who suppresses emotions, keeps telling himself, “I’m fine,” then this drug makes you really relax – Sharon told UK’s Times. You are not completely absent. You can hear, you can talk, but you are very relaxed and you cannot lie while being influenced by it. It is the drug of truth.

The star admitted that the wave of hate that fell on her after the departure of “The Talk” was overwhelming. It got to the point where the 69-year-old started getting death threats.

Said they come at night, slit my throat, slit the throat of Ozzy and my dogs – he recalls. I said to myself, “I’m not going out, I’m not doing anything.” I just couldn’t stop crying because I was only thinking about all the things I’ve been through in my life and now you are still calling me racist, that’s crazy.

With the worst of the crisis finally over, Osbourne felt an overwhelming need for change. Six months after the outbreak of the scandal, the star went to a plastic surgeon, where she treated herself to “remodeling” face. Unfortunately, the effects of metamorphosis, to put it mildly, were not satisfactory.

I had a full face lift in October and I looked like one of those pie * dolly mummies they wrap in bandages Sharon recalls. It hurt like hell. You have no idea. Then I thought to myself: “You must be fucking kidding me”. One eye was different from the other. I looked like a pie * dolony cyclops. I say, “I just need a hump.”

The celebrity confessed that not only she was dissatisfied with the effects of the procedure.

My husband Ozzie looked at me and said, “I don’t care how much it costs. We’ll do it all over again.” – she confessed.

Fortunately, several months after the surgery, Osbourne’s face is now “stabilized” and the 69-year-old declares that she is pleased with her appearance.

Do you appreciate her honesty?

it’s amazing the outside pressure that people think they need to satisfy those they don’t even know.

She has this “old” type of beauty, for 20 years she looks like she was in her 60’s.

Fear now to defend your own friends because you don’t know how it will end. Application? It’s better to live alone, with no stress, no nerves and no pain that someone is doing well and you are not.

I have induction of labor today, keep your fingers crossed Pudelkowicze

And let them do what they can afford. If all of them start to fall off something in a few years, then it will be a problem

Latest comments (35)

Too much “perfected”. She had some charm, would look better with wrinkles. He looks less and less like himself.

This is a kind of paranoia of our times – you do not agree with black people, you are immediately racist. It’s sick. I like Sharon, she’s an equal grandmother, she has passed her life in life and she has such a nice flow

Has she criticized a manipulative person and they immediately accuse her of racism and dismiss her from her job? This is sick!!!

I have an idea, May 1 is coming, therefore I propose that this year Polish flags should be replaced with Ukrainian flags in the name of solidarity.

Oh, that is, she is finally satisfied

I have induction of labor today, keep your fingers crossed Pudelkowicze

My mom is her age. It looks the same without this torture. Well, there are no balls in the cheeks or pumped lips, but it looks also ok. And what is this suffering for? And so you can see it’s an old lady. In my opinion, the biggest job in old age is keeping an eye on your weight. Just not to venture. When a cupcake is slim and neatly dressed, with a fresh hairstyle and ruffled teeth, it looks fine. Same goes for guys: teeth + not overweight + neat shirt and it’s ok

Very nicely done! And she has a twinkle in her eye, the greatest charm of a woman.

She must be fun to walk in DP on two shots

Ozzy was not pleased with the appearance of his wife? And Ozzy sees himself in the mirror? With all due respect to the artistic achievements

I think it was not bad before.

Deep follow Ozzy’s example. You would say to Amber. I don’t care how much money it will cost. The poo in bed is supposed to be on the cito.

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