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Sharon (26) first convicted rioter Rotterdam: five months in prison | Inland

The public prosecutor demanded a prison sentence of six months, of which one month was conditional for the open assault. M.’s lawyer argued for community service.

‘I don’t think community service is appropriate’

The judge ruled: “There is a time when you have chosen to participate in stone throwing. That is a very serious fact. Such serious offenses and such behavior are only suitable for a prison sentence. I do not think community service is appropriate and cannot be sold to society.”

M. is also not allowed by the judge for a year within a radius of 5 kilometers around the Coolsingel and she has to pay compensation to the police of 1000 euros. The damage to the ME bus amounted to more than 9,000 euros.

“You have influenced their lives,” the judge ruled. The officer spoke of an outbreak of violence: “It concerns people who were doing their work. People with a loved one and a family. This has intervened so greatly in the lives of the police, I blame her very much.”


M. says he regrets throwing stones. “It was a snapshot in time and it really taught me not to do that. It just ruins my life.” She confessed to throwing two stones. According to the Public Prosecution Service, she also threw a bicycle. “Because of all the tension, I can remember very little of the evening,” said M.

Officers were in a state of death, the judge told the suspect. According to the judge, it remains to be seen whether they dare to go back to work. M.: “I spoke to officers at the police station and apologized. I wanted it to be peaceful. I’m sorry to the officers, I’d like to reverse the situation.”

Police made 49 arrests on Friday evening. Cornered officers were forced to fire, leaving four people injured. One officer was so injured that he had to be taken to a hospital. Several officers suffered minor injuries.

Rioter crying at speedy trial: ‘It was stupidity’

Crying and sobbing, 29-year-old Terrence van den B. from Rotterdam expressed regret during the first super-fast court hearing about last Friday’s riots in the center of Rotterdam. He stands trial in court for throwing rocks at an riot police van.

“It’s been stupid of me. I didn’t think at that moment. I made bad choices and I didn’t think about where my behavior would lead. I now really realize my mistake,” said Van den B.

The judge showed him a video showing how he smashes a paving stone on the street and throws fragments of it at a police bus. “You have looked up the danger yourself,” the judge told him. “The violence was so focused on the police that officers were terrified. They had to draw their weapons out of fear and after these shots you will start throwing stones.”

Van den B.: „I want to express my regret that I committed such a stupid action. I let myself be carried away by the situation and the tension that hung in the city. Perhaps I should have just walked away and gone home.” The police arrested Van den B. violently by pushing him against a shop window, in which the suspect was injured.

The Rotterdammer is the second rioter to be tried in court in Rotterdam on Wednesday afternoon. Rapid court hearings will be held in more parts of the country in the coming period.

Super-fast justice is part of the close-to-the-point policy of the police and the Public Prosecution Service. It is so called when suspects are brought before the magistrate within three to six days.

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