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Shannen Doherty is fed up with botoxed women in movies | Stars

entertainment">“I’m watching movies tonight and it strikes me that I can identify with very few of the female characters. Women without botox, fillers or facelifts. Women who embrace themselves as they are and show that they have lived. I love that I’ve lived and that you can see that in my face,” Shannen said.

entertainment">Doherty battled breast cancer for a long time, something that has left marks on her body. “I have survived a lot, yes, including cancer, but more than that. Finally I can fully accept myself. I’m done with the perception that magazines and Hollywood impose on us. I want to see women like myself. Women like us.”

entertainment">“I have accepted that I will never look the same as before, because my body had to fight hard. Also, the medications I have to take affect my appearance. But I’m alive and that’s what matters. And I think it’s nice that people can see that I’m alive, in all my capacity,” she said earlier People.

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