Home » World » Shanghai man bequeaths 3.8 crore rupees savings to fruit seller in heartwarming gesture during court battle

Shanghai man bequeaths 3.8 crore rupees savings to fruit seller in heartwarming gesture during court battle

3.8 crore rupees savings were written to the fruit seller by the neighbor. Ma, a man from Shanghai, China, had written off his entire property to a fruit merchant he knew.

A person named Liu, who is trading in the market in Shanghai, got a saving of 3.8 crores. However, after the death of 88-year-old Ma, when his relatives questioned this, Liu approached the court and yesterday the court ruled in favor of Liu, reports the South Morning Post.

As a token of gratitude for Liu and his family’s help when his relatives were unwilling to help him at the end of his life, Ma bequeathed the entire property to Liu and his family, a fruit merchant. Years ago, Liu and Ma became acquainted. When she realized that Liu did not have a good house to live in or any other financial security, Ma invited their family to live with her.

Ma’s son died untimely and he was very lonely. Ma had three sisters and other relatives, but none were willing to help him when he fell ill. It was Liu who took care of him and stood by him during this time. In return, Ma made a will giving all of his property to Liu.

However, after Ma’s death, relatives seized the property and did not agree to execute the will as stated, Liu approached the court. Finally, the court ruled in Liu’s favor.

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Last Updated Dec 27, 2023, 4:01 PM IST
#saving #crore #written #fruit #vendor #reason
2023-12-27 10:31:58

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