Home » Business » Shanghai Export Containerized Freight Index (SCFI) shows steady growth in shipping rates for US routes, while Europe and Mediterranean lines experience slight declines

Shanghai Export Containerized Freight Index (SCFI) shows steady growth in shipping rates for US routes, while Europe and Mediterranean lines experience slight declines

The Shanghai Airline Exchange announced today (1) that the latest Shanghai Export Containerized Freight Index (SCFI) was 1033.67 points, up 19.89 points from last week, staying at the 1,000-point level for 6 consecutive weeks. Among them, the freight rate of the US line rose , the US-West line remained at $2,000, and the US-East line also stabilized at $3,000, reflecting airlines’ regulation of shipping space, which will help maintain a certain market price.

From the perspective of the main routes, the price per FEU (standard 40-foot container) from the Far East to the US East is quoted at US$3,132, an increase of US$80 from last week, or 2.6% per week; the price per FEU on the US-West route is US$2,136, a sharp increase of US$130 from last week , an increase of nearly 6.5%.

However, the European line still fell slightly, and the price per TEU (standard 20-foot container) came to 768 US dollars this week, a weekly drop of 34 US dollars, a drop of 4.24%.

The price per TEU of the Mediterranean line continued to fall by 91 US dollars to 1364 US dollars, a drop of 6.25%.

Cargo marketers said that shipping companies are actively stabilizing freight rates, and it is not ruled out that there may be a small wave of price increases in the middle of this month, but at this stage, there is no momentum to pull cargo before the November holiday.

2023-09-01 11:06:49
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