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“Shameful”, “You risk jail”. Insults between Renziani and Casalino

Now in Casalino and the Renzians fly insults and threats. After the now famous audio in which the prime minister’s spokesman already speaks of a “Count Ter”, social media think about shaking the waters of the executive. To make the case burst is Renziano Michele Ansaldi who on his Facebook page points his finger clearly at Casalino and writes: “The campaign orchestrated by the spokesman for Palazzo Chigi tramples not only the Parliament and the parties of the majority, but also the presidency of the Republic. A shameful mystification, worthy of Roberto Benigni’s Papocchio“.

At this point comes the hard response from Casalino himself who comments on Renziano’s post on Facebook with a rather harsh attack, citing the penal code: “Anyone, apart from the cases indicated in the previous article, by communicating with more people, offends the reputation of others, is punished with imprisonment of up to one year or a fine of up to one thousand thirty-two euros. If the offense consists in attributing a specific fact, the penalty is imprisonment of up to two years, or a fine of up to two thousand and sixty-five euros. If the offense was made through the press or any other means of publicity, or in a public deed, the penalty is imprisonment from six months to three years or a fine of not less than five hundred and sixteen euros. If the offense went to a political, administrative or judicial body, or to its representation, or to an authority established in a college, the penalties are increased“.

From here opens a real revolt by the Renzians who accuse Casalino of having shaken the handcuffs threatening Anzaldi. And so the “staff” of Italia Viva immediately put Casalino himself in the sights, asking for an apology. This is done by Minister Teresa Bellanova and the Vice-President of the Chamber, Ettore Rosato. In a note the two Renzians attack Casalino: “It is very serious that the prime minister’s spokesman threatens a parliamentarian of the republic, trying to silence the sacred right of criticism“Then they increase the dose:”If Casalino wants to avoid fools, do not send audio around in which he reveals his true intentions, but – they emphasize – we know that the prime minister’s spokesman is not new to such releases. After threatening the closure of Il Foglio, he now wants to silence a member of parliament. Now we ask that those who represent the institutions involved react. The President of the Conte Council immediately distances himself and the President of the Camera Fico intervenes to protect a member of the Republic“In short, the tension within the majority is now sky high. And the crisis scenarios are increasingly likely …

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