Home » today » World » “Shame on Koutsouba”: Group fire in Parliament for female students looking for sugar daddies – 2024-03-08 21:28:29

“Shame on Koutsouba”: Group fire in Parliament for female students looking for sugar daddies – 2024-03-08 21:28:29

Tensions rose in the Plenary Session of the Parliament between Stelios Petsas and Nikos Karathanasopoulos on the occasion of Dimitris Koutsoubas’s comment about “sugar daddies”.

“The imposition of tuition fees forces female students to look for sugar daddies to cover their studies. You should probably find another capitalist example to copy” said the g.c. of the KKE during the discussion of the bill on private universities in order to comment on PASOK’s proposal for the adoption of the Nordic model in higher education.

In the second year, responding to the criticism of the press representative of the ND, Nikos Romanos, regarding a “despicable, unacceptable, sexist and highly derogatory statement for the female sex”, N. Karathanasopoulos took the baton, accusing the majority that “with the system you feed , you turn girls into luxury escorts.”

This phrase initially caused the reaction of the Deputy Minister of Education, Zetta Makri, who spoke of an “unacceptable sexist statement”. Then, the parliamentary representative of the KKE took the floor again, saying that this is the reality and that this is what the KKE is denouncing.

Immediately after that, St. Petsas, also confirming the statement of D. Koutsoubas. “You say that the bill is coming to bring about the prostitution of girls in Greece” he said in a tense atmosphere, since at the same time N. Karathanasopoulos was shouting from the microphone. “It’s a shame and a shame to take it back,” he added.

“sexist delusion”

It should be noted that they criticized the c.g. of the KKE and PASOK sources. “Mr. Koutsoumba’s anxiety to star in Luben is bad advice. We did not expect such sexist delirium from the Secretary of the KKE” they note.


There was also a reaction from Zoe Konstantopoulou, who in her announcement emphasizes: “Zoe Konstantopoulou described Dimitris Koutsoubas’s statement that tuition fees force female students to look for “sugar daddies” as infuriating, obscene, extremely sexist and deeply derogatory.” As the only female party leader, she called on D. Koutsoumba to withdraw, today on the eve of Women’s Day, this statement and apologize.”

“The masks are falling”

On the same wavelength is the announcement of the Feminist Policy Department of SYRIZA-PS, which notes:

We were surprised today to observe from the floor of the Parliament the General Secretary of the Communist Party of Greece making an unprecedented sexist statement. Who was that? “The imposition of tuition fees leads female students to look for “sugar daddies””.

Is this the position and argument of an opposition party against the failed bill to establish non-state universities?

Women today fight daily against a patriarchal society that refuses to change, full of gender stereotypes. A society of violence and domineering attitudes towards women.

All we don’t need is sexist comments from the parliament of supposed defenders of equality.

Masks are falling once again after the KKE voted against the principle of the marriage equality bill.
Equality is not a word to get votes but a daily struggle and attitude to life…

Read also: Koutsoumbas: The imposition of tuition fees forces female students to look for sugar daddies (Video)

Internal party crisis in PASOK – Nadia Giannakopoulou withdraws due to party discipline

Parliament: SYRIZA requests roll call voting for private universities

#Shame #Koutsouba #Group #fire #Parliament #female #students #sugar #daddies

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