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Shakira Opens Up About Her Father’s Health Issues and Relationship Struggles

Shakira Opens Up About Her​ Father’s Health​ Scare ​During ‍Divorce

In a recent​ interview​ with ⁢People‍ en Español,⁣ Shakira ​revealed ⁤that ⁢her father ‌wanted to ‌visit her in Barcelona during her divorce ​when he​ had​ a‌ “serious accident.”‌ “Everything​ happened at ​once. My​ home was‍ falling⁢ apart. ⁢From the press, I found⁣ out ⁢that I⁢ had ​been ⁢betrayed⁢ and my ‌father ‍was​ lying in ⁤the ​intensive care unit,” ‍Shakira shared.

The singer, ​who shares two ⁢sons, Milan⁤ (9) and‌ Sasha​ (7),​ with‍ her ex-partner,⁢ a football player, ⁣said ⁤that ⁣she experienced even more‌ difficulties due to her father’s health problems. “The man I loved‌ the most⁣ in⁣ my life, my⁣ father, left me when I needed⁣ him the ⁣most. ‌I ​couldn’t ​talk to him ‌or ⁤seek advice,‌ which‍ I desperately ⁣needed,” Shakira explained.

Fortunately, doctors were ‍able ⁤to⁣ save ​her father’s life. ⁤Shakira​ is ⁣grateful⁤ that her children didn’t⁣ lose their⁤ grandfather, whom she ⁣sees as ⁤a‌ great‌ role model.‍ “My dad‌ is ​the⁣ greatest ‌example⁣ of⁣ resilience, and⁤ my⁣ mother ⁤stood by his side‍ day ⁢and night,”​ the singer‌ said.‍ “Both‍ of them​ were a ​reflection⁣ of ​the ⁣dream that didn’t​ come true for me.‍ But ‍I hope they​ serve as ⁣an example of love, patience‍ in ‍relationships, ‍absolute ⁢dedication,⁣ and zest⁢ for ⁢life for my children.”

Shakira’s heartfelt words shed light​ on‍ the challenges⁣ she faced‍ during her divorce ‍and ‌the ⁤impact her father’s ‍health scare had⁢ on‍ her.⁤ Despite the ⁤difficulties,⁣ she‍ remains ‌hopeful ⁣and‍ focused on ‌providing​ a‌ positive example ​for⁢ her children.

​ How can “unfortunately” ‌be ​translated into Japanese?

⁤ Unfortunately,⁤ the query does not specify the subject ​for which​ the information is⁤ required. ⁤The​ search‌ results provide the meaning, ​usage, and pronunciation of ‍the English⁢ word “unfortunately.”⁤ According ​to Weblio’s‍ English-Japanese and⁤ Japanese-English dictionaries, ​”unfortunately”‍ can⁣ be translated into Japanese as ⁤”不幸にも, ⁢不運にも, あいにく, ‌遺憾ながら, or 運悪く.” It​ is used ⁤to‌ express ⁤something‍ negative or regrettable that⁤ has ⁣happened.

2 thoughts on “Shakira Opens Up About Her Father’s Health Issues and Relationship Struggles”

  1. It’s always difficult to see someone you love battling health issues. Shakira’s honesty in sharing her father’s struggles emphasizes the importance of family support during challenging times. Wishing her and her father strength and resilience.

  2. It’s heartbreaking to hear about Shakira’s father’s health issues and the additional burden of relationship struggles. Wishing her strength and support during these challenging times.


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