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Shakima brings Ukrainian light to Latvian music

Threesome with two Latvians and one Ukrainian

“Shakima Trio” consists of Ukrainian folklorist, singer ethnophonist and violinist Shakima Garunts, singer and guitarist Jānis Rungis, who actually used a sound loop machine, played clarinet, piano and percussion on the album’s songs, as well as bassist musically proficient Ainārs Majors, who also played percussion. “The unexpected birth of this album can only be explained as a sign of the times, as energy and information that we suddenly received in such a volume and speed that we haven’t yet been able to realize it,” says Ainārs, who is also the producer of the album. ‘album. “We just managed to understand that we have become broadcasters and we broadcast together in the language of music. I would call it something like a three-voice simultaneous interpreter.”

In the initial part of the celebration, Shakima kept a little shy of the others, but when she took the stage, she changed beyond recognition: she opened up and mesmerized everyone with her charisma, positivity and convincing performance. “We are gradually informing our friends in Ukraine that such an album has been released and will promote it in the future,” Shakima told the author of these lines in an interview after the performance. “I think this album contains a note that gives hope and support. Sooner or later we will reach the point where the unity of people will be reborn: this nightmare in which practically all of humanity currently lives will end. People who are currently in Ukraine yes they cling to such hopes and [apkārtējo] support, otherwise it is impossible to overcome the rivers of strong emotions that wash over you while you are there. This album, I think, contains practically all human emotional states. The album tells that there are difficulties, you can always find a way out. You have to accept and survive these difficult moments, then the heart opens and Love comes.”

Shakim literally transforms on stage – energy and charisma flow from her. Ukraine has already settled in among us, she already has many friends and acquaintances among Latvian musicians / Publicity photo: Toms Norde

Born near Lviv, worked in Kiev

The new trio was born in the spring, when Šakima started her journey as a refugee, and the “AMFO music” association together with Ainārs Majora created the opportunity for the singer to continue her professional activity also in Latvia. “The war in Ukraine will be relevant for a long time, but Ukraine also has history, culture and soul – we want to bring all this to light, thus compensating for the overall severity. It is very important to create a spiritual, bright, culture-bearing and life-affirming. When people are saved from bullets and given shelter, the main thing is to create an opportunity for them to continue their professional activities,” believes Ainars Major.

Shakima comes from Western Ukraine, from the vicinity of Lviv. He worked in his homeland both in Lviv and in Kiev, he worked in the theater, also in various art projects, including international ones, he traveled a lot. She met Majora about ten years ago at the “Gara vasara” meditation festival in Riga-lei Shakima she came with a troupe of artists who offered Zikra chanting, whirling dervishes, poetry readings, etc. performances, while Ainārs recorded this event. She entered Lithuania at first, she stayed elsewhere, but later the road took her to Latvia. “I was like in absolute emptiness at that moment – I just didn’t know where to go. The foundation under my feet suddenly disappeared and the only thing I realized in that moment was, oh, oh, oh, I’m a musician! I something to hold on to, live with and move on with. I decided to call Ainar: hello, I’m alive and here! This is how our project began,” says the singer, smiling brilliantly.

The album only after six months of stay in Latvia

Upon his arrival here, Shakim’s position was clear: “I don’t want to just ask for help and support. I’d like to do something musically good and interesting. I wish it was a human value that I can give to the public as a musician. I want to work on a music project.”

The first public performance of “Shakima Trio” was already at the end of May in the wooden building renovation center “Koka Rīga”. After intensive rehearsals, the association also performed in June at the closing concert of the “Osokina Freedom Festival for Ukraine” in the cultural space “Hanza Perons” and at the beginning of the series of artistic events “Contemporary Thursdays” at the “Totaldobže” cultural center, but the most impressive performance of the new trio was on August 26 in the port of Skulte, as a warm-up act at the big concert of the group “Tautumeitas”. “Shakima Trio” also performed at other events, including in Chisinau, the capital of Moldova. The band’s program includes both ambient compositions with the roots of magical ancient Ukrainian folklore, and dynamic, rhythmic and life-affirming songs, enriching the message with passionate stage performance.

Well, only six months have passed, and the Ukrainian album “Vysoko” has already seen the light – it’s like a miracle. “Everyone needs the awareness that they are needed by those around them, and they can be that by doing what they know and love best,” says Shakima. “Co-creation and being in the world of sound has always been important to me, so I am very happy with the opportunity to make music together with wonderful Latvian musicians. It allows me to move forward and continue living my life.”

He believes in the victory of Ukraine and the forces of Light over the dark

Shakima currently lives in Riga with her 15-year-old son, who attends a Ukrainian high school here. At the album presentation event, after the musician’s reaction to what was expressed around her, it seemed that she had already understood or at least intuited what was being said in Latvian. “Latvian language is so beautiful that I listen to it like music and understand it like by heart [runātā jēgu]. A very beautiful and melodious language, I listen to it like a musical performance”, smiles the musician.

Of course, it’s too early to think about returning to Ukraine. “We don’t know how things will develop, but of course we believe in victory. We believe that together with the whole world we will protect all that is bright in people. It is our country, our territory, people are defending their homes wholeheartedly “, says Shakima confidently. “Actually, this war is now on a completely different level: it is like a war against the darkness in our hearts, and this battle must be won. It is our choice to remain human, and with each of these choices we take a step towards the Light. This is the task of all of us – to tell us that enough sleep, it’s time to finally wake up! There is Light all around! And if there are more such people who understand and recognize this, then these forces of darkness simply they will disappear. They will have nothing left to fight with, because there will be only one Light all around!”

Shakim literally transforms on stage – energy and charisma flow from her. Ukraine has already settled in among us, she already has many friends and acquaintances among Latvian musicians

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