New Delhi: Shaji Prabhakaran, a Malayali, has been dismissed from the post of Secretary General of the All India Football Federation (AIFF). After the executive committee decided to give final approval to the action related to this, the decision was taken by President Kalyan Chaubey.
Kalyan Choubey responded that there was a lot of dissatisfaction among AIFF members about his performance and this forced us to terminate his contract. Deputy Secretary M. Shaji’s contract was immediately terminated due to betrayal of trust. In a statement, the organization said that Sathyanarayan will take over the temporary charge instead.
Shaji Prabhakaran was appointed in the place of Kushal Das when the new committee under the leadership of Kalyan Chaube took charge last September. The new governing body had brought changes including holding the final matches of the tournament in Saudi Rabia with the aim of reviving the Santosh Trophy. For the first time since 2018, the national men’s team has made it to the top 100 in the FIFA rankings. Shaji Prabhakaran was recently appointed as AFC Executive Member.
However, recently there has been unrest within the organization’s executive committee regarding Shaji Prabhakaran’s work and high remuneration.
2023-11-08 09:06:13
#India #Football #Federation #sacked #Shaji #Prabhakaran #General #Secretary #Madhyamam