Shady Zidane has not completed his 50th year. He believed that the acting profession sometimes fails those involved in it and pushes them into absence, but this time he reincarnated absenteeism to its fullest extent.
Shadi Zidane’s concern remained to win the love of people and to be close to them
Strange are the fates and drama of life. The young actor Shadi Zidan, who was absent from us yesterday after a health crisis, began his artistic career in 1995 with a single scene in the series “Days of Rage”. And in his latest work, the series “Alley of the Jinn”, which suffered a severe cerebral hemorrhage during its filming, he was standing in front of his older brother in the character of his son, as if the drama delved into its cruelty and forced it on its children.
Shadi, who did not complete his 50 years of age, believed that the acting profession sometimes fails those involved in it, prompting them to be absent, and to think differently in order to reach better options, so that they do not remain prisoners of forced roles, which is exactly what happened to him, but this time he assumed absence. To its fullest extent, leaving a deep wound in the heart of all his fans, including his brother Ayman, who wrote in his lament: “Shadi… my heartbeat, which was exhausted by sadness… Your departure is a wound that I don’t know when it will heal.”
Shady Zidan with his two brothers, actors Ayman and Wael, and his brother Iyad
A full-fledged absence affected by the young man full of love, who linked his work in television and cinematic drama with responsibility and continuous diligence, especially with his certainty that the task facing the Syrian actor has become more difficult, whether in the embodiment of tragic situations or in the performance of comic characters, with the enormous amount of suffering that he lived and is experiencing. Syrians, it has become difficult to convince the viewer and obtain his sympathy for you, and it is not easy to make him cry after all the crises he has gone through and is going through, nor to put a smile on his face, which requires double efforts in performance.
This commitment, which Shadi Zidan took upon himself, made his primary concern in all his work to win the love of people, to be close to them, and to walk step by step to their hearts, which he has worked on since his artistic beginnings, as he tried to carefully formulate his image in the minds of viewers, whether In the comedic works that achieved his widest fame, through the character of Mahrous in the social comedy series “A Family of 6 Stars”, and the character of Afif, who is married to several women in the series “The Family of 7 Stars”, as well as the character of Fahim in “Jamil and Hana’s Diaries”, in addition to the two series “ Minister and His Excellency his wife”, and “Family Decree”.
From the series “Diary of Jamil and Hana”
And his last participation in the comedy drama was last year, in the series “The Three Musketeers”, which did not have a suitable opportunity to be shown. Shadi believed that comedy is a difficult art, requiring the combination of several factors, on top of which is a good script with a light-hearted director, under whose direction a group of cute actors works. Without that, they will not achieve anything in comedy, as he expressed in one of his dialogues.
The strategy of getting close to people and studying his dramatic steps, he followed through many social works in which he left his distinctive mark, including the series “Returning to Haifa”, “Haneen”, “The Memory Pavement”, “Salt of Life”, “Unveiling Masks”, “The Offering.” The Red Line, and The Thistle Birds.
This is in addition to a great variety of personalities that he performed in the series of the Levantine environment, including the character of the officer Fawzi, who cooperates with the French occupation against his countrymen / in the series “My Grandfather’s House… Al-Sham Al-Adiyya”, and the character of Abu Salim in “Men of Glory”, and his participation in “Hassiba”. And “Taleh Al-Fadda”, “Zaman Al-Barghout”, “Bab Al-Hara”, and other series.
Zidan participated in many works of the Levantine environment
Shadi Zidan was unwavering in his keenness and his studied choices within the seventh art as well, and despite his limited participation in the cinema, it proved that his compass does not shake in the face of his responsibility as an artist who knows what he wants. From the movie “Image” in 2002, which was directed by Marwan Barakat, and tells of the return of a young photographer. From the United States of America to occupied Palestine to depict Israeli oppression, to the “Parade of Ibaa” in 2005 directed by Basil Al-Khatib, which tells the events that took place after the martyrdom of Imam Hussein in the incident of Karbala, and how his sister, Sayyida Zainab, diverted the sad procession heading to Yazid’s palace in Damascus from A harsh journey to the Ibaa procession, as well as the films “The Visitor” and “Another Face of Killing”.
Zidan had some experiences as an assistant director in a number of dramas, such as the series “Returning to Haifa” in 2004, in addition to a single experience with the animated series “The Adventures of Papa Luz”, in which he worked as an executive supervisor.
And in all of his works, “Abu Azmy” proved that he is close to him with his love, and that in life, as in the drama, he is always caring for others, and feels responsible towards them, not his participation in the “We are all for each other” initiative to support those affected by the February 6 earthquake, days before his death. Only a simple example of chivalry and magnanimity known to all those close to him, who will miss him just as many will miss his gentleness and aesthetics.