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Shabby association “For Development / About!” existence / Article / LSM.lv

Information about the possible unauthorized sponsorship of the party “For the Development of Latvia” has created a gap in the association “For Development / About!” in the middle. The association has already announced that in the upcoming municipal elections next year it will basically start with its separate lists, only in some municipalities it will start together.

After Māris Mičerevskis, a former member of the “For the Development of Latvia”, revealed that he had donated funds that did not belong to him on behalf of the party’s chairman Juris Pūce, cooperation partners from the party “Kustība Par!” (“For!”) Expressed concern about the crime. Now the inspection is carried out by the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (KNAB), but “About!” the trust of members is undermined.

“We will ensure the stability of the coalition, but we are distancing ourselves from the alliance,” said the “For!” Chairman Daniels Pavļuts.

Both Pavluts and the third co-operation partner Andris Skride from “Growth” emphasized that Pūce’s actions using the passport of the Riga thinker and the possible illegal financing of the party had caused confusion in the association. However, it is too early to call the association broken.

“Together, we will definitely overcome these less difficult times,” said Skride, chairman of the Growth Party.

Acting Chairman of the Development of Latvia, Ivars Ijabs called the ongoing transformation of the party. The association has decided to change the decision-making procedure, and in the future it will be transferred to the Saeima faction.

“It has created additional stress. There was some kind of disagreement, but it was a long-standing decision that we would return to party sovereignty,” Ijabs said.

Although decision-making is now planned in the Saeima faction, it is still unclear about the next candidate for Minister of Environmental Protection and Regional Development. This position has been held by the resigning Owl.


Public resignation of Riga City Council deputy Mičerevskis from the party “Latvia’s Development” with loud reproaches to party leaders Edgars Jaunups and Pūcs thoroughly shook the association “For Development / About!”. When justifying the use of the parking permit of the Riga City Council, Pūce becomes entangled in lies, due to which he was forced to resign as Minister.

Meanwhile Mitcherevsky will turn Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (KNAB) for illegal financing of its former party “For the Development of Latvia”.

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