Since then, she has shared some updates on social media, as well as a comment on Nettavisen. Now, however, the writer has written a new comment, for just The online newspaperwhere she – according to herself – «should tell everything».
Earlier this year, a Spleis was established for Rehman, so that she could travel to Germany to receive immunotherapy – as the doctors in Norway could not do more for her. The 45-year-old, on the other hand, has not said what kind of treatment she received, but after receiving questions daily from people who are in the same situation, she has changed her mind.
Rehman says that when she was told that there was nothing more the doctors in Norway could do for her, she experienced that they understood that in such a situation she became desperate and applied abroad. She was also advised not to waste money on something that would not work. But she disagreed, believing that seeking knowledge did not make her desperate.
– It’s not the same as being desperate. It is to take responsibility for one’s own life and not accept to go home to die, just because someone tells you that there are no other alternatives, she explains.
– I now receive low-dose local chemotherapy, which I have to take in three cycles at three-week intervals. I tolerated this treatment much better, even though it is tough and expensive treatment. Each cycle costs almost 250,000 kroner.
– In free fall
The 45-year-old says that pancreatic cancer is one of the most difficult cancer diagnoses to treat, as the symptoms rarely occur in the early stages and are thus difficult to find out before it has been a while.
Despite the fact that she has been told by Norwegian doctors that there is nothing more to do, she refuses to give up hope.
– After I received the tough message, I have found myself in a free fall, where I do not know how long I have left to live. Now it’s just as if I have instead been given a free choice, a journey out into the world to find new questions – and answers, she writes in conclusion.