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SFAM – 5 years of drifts – News

The end of the Fraud Prevention investigation and the announcement of the transmission of its conclusions to the courts augurs the holding of a trial in the fall. It was time. It’s been years since What to choose denounces the practices of this insurer.

Five years that What to choose closely follows the SFAM. Five years that by dint of investigations, collection of testimonies and hidden camera, we bring to light the inglorious actions of this multimedia insurer. And despite everything, five years that this society continues to make victims.

Even today, every day or almost, people discover on their bank statements undue deductions made by the SFAM, renamed Indexia. In the best case, these operations began a few months ago and are limited to around twenty euros per month. But many are those who realize that their account has for years been the subject of several monthly withdrawals for a total amount that can exceed 100 €. For some, the total of undue payments can reach several thousand euros.

Most of the time, these direct debits started after the purchase of a computer, smartphone or other electronic product in a partner store (this is the case in particular with Fnac, Géant Casino, certain spaces SFR, Hubside Stores, etc.). Under the pretext of benefiting from a free trial or a partial refund of their purchase, customers signed a form and provided the seller with a bank account details (RIB). Except that their signature led to the subscription of 5 contracts with as many Indexia subsidiaries, each offering a specific service: SFAM for multimedia insurance, Foriou to benefit from a privilege card, Cyrana for cashback, Serena for the concierge service and Hubside for the creation of websites. Services that most do not need, or are even unaware of having subscribed to.

Insufficient procedures

Of course, when they become aware of the deception, the victims seek to terminate these contracts or even obtain reimbursement of the sums paid. But in practice, it’s not that simple. And for good reason ! Our 2021 survey found, among other things, that call center agents were instructed to forward cancellation and refund requests only after 3 calls from the requestor to customer service.

During these five years, the authorities did not sit idly by. In 2019, a fine of 10 million euros was imposed on SFAM. The Repression of Fraud also forced the insurer to reimburse customers who requested it. A few months later, inspectors from the National Investigation Service (SNE) of the Directorate General for Competition and Consumer Affairs (DGCCRF) carried out a search of the company’s premises. These sanctions were obviously not enough. Few, in the end, are the victims who have obtained reimbursement of the sums deducted. As for the SFAM, not only does it continue to deceive customers, but it has also changed its methods to collect more and more money. For how much longer ? Last week, the DGCCRF announced that it had completed its investigation and sent the results of its investigations to the judicial authority. A trial is expected to be held in the fall. The UFC-Que Choisir legal department has decided to get involved in this procedure in order to ensure that no victim is left behind (see below).

Assert your rights

If you think you are a victim of SFAM practices, you can use our tools free of charge to be able to intervene before the Paris Criminal Court:

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