Home » today » Technology » Sexy Armpits crashed in third place of Honkai Impact in China. An unfortunate example of the objectification of women in video games

Sexy Armpits crashed in third place of Honkai Impact in China. An unfortunate example of the objectification of women in video games

The fan service in Honkai Impact 3rd is out of control. A small detail angered the community and led to a rapid drop in the game’s rating

The Honkai Impact 3rd community is once again restless. Western fans of the game it attracted attention about how developers get from the Chinese.

It turned out that it wasn’t just a matter of poor balancing or the authors of Honkai Impact 3rd handing out to newcomers a costume previously obtained from loot boxes. Caused discontent armpits one of the heroines.

The heroine of Honkai Impact 3rd makes an elegant stretch by showing interesting body parts. According to a significant part of Chinese gamers, this is a very absurd action. The fact is that armpits manifest themselves this way during a very intense fight, at the climax.

Bad reviewers now start sentences in the spirit of “凯文被琪亚娜伸懒腰烧死”, which can be roughly translated as “[противник] burned from stretching”, which refers to the elegant movement of the heroine.

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