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Sexual violence. Affair Abbé Pierre: letter already accused in Grenoble in 1965

Evidence against Father Pierre was sent to the diocese of Grenoble in 1965, published this Sunday the Daphiné Liberé. In an interview, the Bishop of Grenoble-Vienne MGr Jean-Marc Eychenne explains that a letter from the Capuchin community – to which Abbé Pierre belonged for a short time – mentions the testimony of a woman.

“We want our archives to be available to the justice system and Emmaüs investigators,” confirms M.Gr Jean-Marc Eychenne. “No problem. On the other hand, from a legal point of view, since the person’s name is mentioned, I cannot give the letter to the media or associations. We must respect the privacy of the victim, the family, the beneficiaries. »

“face truth”

The bishop says that he did not find in the archives “the answer in width » or “investigation that may be brought to the matter”. He wants to “respect” “those who speak”, “because if we can’t face reality, even a distant time, we are in danger of it starting again”.

In mid-July, Emmaüs and the Abbé-Pierre Foundation appeared allegations of violence and sexual assault the churchman who died in 2007 is said to have long been a favorite of the French.

Evidence of sexual assault abounds

Seven women are accused of sexual assault between the late 1970s and 2005, according to an independent report published on July 17 by Emmaüs and the Abbé Pierre Foundation. Demonstrations that caused a national shock wave because the man was a a beloved figurecrowned by his fights against poverty, exclusion and poor housing.

At the end of July, as we have shown youabout ten new reports have been made on the “Egaé” platform dedicated to collecting the words of potential victims.

2024-08-25 10:59:20
#Sexual #violence #Affair #Abbé #Pierre #letter #accused #Grenoble

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