Home » today » News » Sexual assault on two women in New York’s Central Park area reported | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

Sexual assault on two women in New York’s Central Park area reported | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

tell about the weekend andif we will have rain again.back to the studio.adriana: two women attackedsexually in less than onehour.one in central park.damaris íaz was wheredamaris, centanos.damaris: good afternoon,Adriana. the cops made aarrest.right now it isresearching and tryingdetermine if the man whohave in custody is the samethat tied two women thistomorrow in the big apple. thefirst incident occurred insidefrom central park at 7:20in the morning.the victim is a young woman of 20year old who went for a runthis morning.the young woman was attackedsexually with for asubject wearing black clothes anda mask.the guy grabbed her bybehind and strangled her, untilthat the victim lost theknowledge. she asked himhelp another person who was walkingthrough the park and called thecop. the bendik wasminutes after and miles,a woman was attackedsexually at the height of thestreet 103, also in full lightof the day. two very incidentsregrettable. the cop madea press conference isabout this investigation,also to ask for the help ofNew Yorkers to trysolve those cases.they still do not know if it isa single attacker, but they saidthat the subject under arrest wasreleased two years agoprisoner. he was servinga conviction on various charges,his criminal record has arape of 2005. the policeis asking for anycall the aonymous line188857 track.there will be one of the truckshigh crime in the sectorto try to investigate andso that the people whothey walked can approachwith some information.we want to offer you this codeYou can see the advice of aexpert in self defense.gives us advice thatcan help us, if we aresurprised or attacked by this

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