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Sexual Assault at Bel-Air Hospital: 87-Year-Old Woman saved by Nurse, Man Arrested

While she was in the Emergency Department of Bel-Air hospital in Thionville, an 87-year-old woman suffered touching from a thirty-year-old man on Monday evening. It was the victim’s cries that alerted a nurse and allowed the defendant to be arrested. While in police custody on Tuesday evening, the latter was taken to the Jury CHS.

Delphine Dematte

Today at 12:05 | updated today at 12:10

This 87-year-old patient, hospitalized Monday evening at the Bel-Air Emergency Department in Thionville, owes her salvation only to this nurse who, hearing her cries, quickly intervened in her room. There, he found a man with his penis exposed who was in the process of sexually assaulting the octogenarian on whom he had already forced her to touch her breasts. The man, a 36-year-old from Hayange, was taken to the emergency room following a road accident which occurred early in the evening in Fameck. The only one involved, the thirty-year-old had lost control of his vehicle in a roundabout and complained of neck pain. As part of the accident procedure carried out by the gendarmes of the local brigade, the motorist was subjected to a blood alcohol test which turned out to be positive.

Offending alcohol

It was in this context that this father, who presented no apparent injury, was taken by the firefighters to the CHR Emergency Department where he was to be subjected, as in a similar situation, to a blood sample to determine alcohol level and drug screening. Around midnight, he was surprised by the nursing staff who alerted the police. At the same time, he was placed in police custody at the Thionville police station with a criminal blood alcohol level, namely equal to or greater than 0.40 mg/l of exhaled air.

Hospitalized at Jury

Accused, in particular, of sexual assault, the person concerned, married and father of a family, would have indicated that he did not remember anything. Employed in Luxembourg and socially integrated, the thirty-year-old, who reportedly suffers from depression, is known to the courts for petty crimes, but not for sexual offenses. Tuesday evening, he was taken to the Jury psychiatric ward as part of compulsory hospitalization. A measure which temporarily suspends the legal proceedings which will continue when the accused leaves the CHS Jury.

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