Home » today » Entertainment » Sexual amusement is funny! Music comedy duo “Suchtpotenzial” provides proof of this in the Neckarhalle

Sexual amusement is funny! Music comedy duo “Suchtpotenzial” provides proof of this in the Neckarhalle

They are back: the music comedy queens of addictive potential! On Friday, October 1st, 2021 at 8 p.m. they will present their third program “Sexual Amusement” in the Neckarhalle, throwing all conventions and clichés overboard. Nothing is safe from them: From hip Instagram trends to Wagner operas and feminist tips to final world peace, they work on the really important topics.

When these two ladies let their silliness run free, anything can happen on stage: virtuoso vocal duels, rough verbal battles and clever punch lines. They are known nationwide for their shows full of pitch-black humor. The two are masters of lived neuroses and absurd trains of thought. They move safely through all music genres. Ariane and Julia write their music and comedy texts themselves, of course, and also do all the other stunts themselves. The best alcopop duo promises top-quality sexual amusement!

The Ulm town musician Ariane Müller got to know the half-Spanish Julia Gámez Martín from Berlin in 2011 at the Ulm Theater and founded her potential for addiction. Shortly afterwards there was the advancement award for the Baden-Württemberg Cabaret Award, the Prix Pantheon Audience Award, the Tuttlinger Krähe in 2016, the St. Ingberter Pan in 2018, both the Thuringian and the German Cabaret Award in 2020 and the Bavarian Cabaret Award in 2021 . Small artists can hardly be honored more highly in such a short time!

INFO: Tickets for “Suchtpotenzial” are available in advance for € 20 (reduced € 10), among others at the Tourist Info & Ticket Service in Villingen (Franziskaner Kulturzentrum) and Schwenningen (train station), and at all advance sales points for Kulturicket Schwarzwald-Baar-Heuberg, on the ticket hotline 07721 / 82-2525, per tickets @ ~ @ villingen-schwenningen.de and here.

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