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Sexual abuse of many boys in Tunceli

Computer repair in the town of Pertek H.Y.’nin sexual abuse of children on the notice of the district Gendarmerie Command teams began work. Teams acting in this context, H.Y. Unnamed with two suspects were arrested and arrested. H.Y. detained on the phone and computer examination of the gendarmerie teams of sexual abuse of a large number of children were found images. Following the interrogation at the gendarmerie, H.Y. and one suspect was arrested by the court, while the other suspect’s interrogation was learned.


Sexual abuse scandal, heard by the people of the district after the evening poured into the street in the evening, hundreds of people protested. In order to calm the crowd gathered in front of the municipality, Pertek Mayor Ruhan Alan said that the security forces were doing the necessary work and had full confidence in the law. President Alan, “Yesterday we received information after the child abuse incident, we have made the necessary interviews with the competent authorities. Detained and allegedly engaged in sexual abuse of children continues forensic investigation of HY. HY is currently arrested, but the investigation continues versatile. We municipality We rely on justice and the process is under way now. Criminals will receive the necessary punishment. We express our reaction by using our constitutional right to action, and as Pertek Municipality and Pertek people, we will always react to such situations. We don’t know how many children have been sexually abused. Law enforcement and prosecution are investigating all aspects of the incident and the facts will be revealed, “he said.

The crowd gathered after President Alan’s speech and ended the protest after their protest march.

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