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Sexual abuse, Child abuse

The mother thought her daughter was getting money for candy. The truth was quite different.

A man in his 60s has been sentenced to three years in prison for sexual intercourse with an 11-year-old girl. He is also sentenced to pay the girl 175,000 kroner in compensation. His defender, Bjørn Rudjord, tells Nettavisen that the verdict will probably not be appealed.

The man was a close friend of the girl’s family, and was described by his mother as a father to the 11-year-old girl.

“Strong general preventive considerations apply in the case of sexual abuse of children. The court shows that there was a gross abuse of a close relationship of trust. The accused was a father figure to her and often looked after her when her mother was at work. Furthermore, the abuse took place at home in the apartment, a place where she should feel safe » writes Oslo District Court in the judgment.

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Thought they were talking about candy

The revelation of the abuse happened after the mother one day saw the girl and the man whisper in the hallway of the home where she lived.

The mother thought that the man had given her money for sweets, and the mother did not like it. She therefore wanted to know what her daughter and husband had talked about.

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The girl finally that the extra-dad had given her 500 kroner to take on her. In Oslo District Court, the mother said that it was not primarily the words, but the daughter’s reaction, that had made her understand the seriousness. The daughter broke down, and began to tremble and cry and could hardly speak.

The mother had no reason to doubt what her daughter was saying. A few days later, she reported the matter to the police. Thereafter, the daughter was subjected to medical examinations and arranged interrogations at orphanages.

Also read: Sharp increase in serious cases of violence against children – and it goes worst beyond the youngest

Changed explanation

The man in his 60s has denied criminal guilt. In Oslo District Court, the man said that he was not a pedophile and that he also had a health condition that made him impotent. The district court pointed out that the man had changed his explanation about the relationship with the girl. In the first interrogation, he had claimed that she had become sexually aggressive and persistent towards him. This had happened when the girl began to become sexually mature. However, he has abandoned this explanation.

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“In court, the defendant said that the first explanation to the police was due to panic and that he was in a state of shock and afraid of being accused of the worst. That’s why he said “nonsense” explained the man in court.

Not convicted of rape

However, the district court believes that there are overlapping points between the girl’s explanations and the man’s first explanation, but where the girl has explained that she was abused. The Oslo District Court has therefore not found confidence in the man’s explanations.

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The man was initially charged with full-fledged rape. Elements in the girl’s explanations indicated that the penis had been inserted into the cavity during the man’s abuse.

The majority of the court’s judges believe that it has not been proven beyond any reasonable doubt that this type of abuse has taken place. Only the district court judge believes that there is enough evidence to convict the man for this as well.

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