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Sex symbol of the 80s Kim Wilde: Aging gracefully, avoids plastic surgery. He recharges his energy in the garden

Proslavil ji hit Kids in America

Kim Wilde (born Kim Smith) was born on November 18, 1960 in the London district of Chiswick. She came from an artistic family. Her father, Marty Wilde, was a successful British singer and actor, and her mother, Joyce, performed in a singing and dancing band. Kim Wilde also wanted to become a well-known singer, following the example of her famous father. She took his last name and looked for an opportunity to make a name for herself.

She saw this on MTV, a television station that broadcast, among other things, video clips of rising stars in the music world. So Kim Wilde took a chance and debuted the single Kids in America in January 1981. Her brother and father composed the song for her. Although Kim Wilde did not expect it at all, the first attempt to get into the limelight became a huge hit. The song took second place in the British charts and became popular abroad. The beautiful singer with a piercing voice suddenly had a lot of fans all over the world.

She became a popular pop singer and sex symbol of the 80s

Aside from her stardom as a singer, Kim Wilde became an ’80s sex symbol almost overnight – but she wasn’t ready for it. In an interview with the magazine OK! she said: “Suddenly I became a sex symbol, a star, when I wasn’t even an adult yet.” In July 1981, her debut album Kim Wilde saw the light of day, which celebrated success. During the following years, she sang hits such as Cambodia, Catch as Catch Can and Dancing in the Dark. In 1984, she signed a contract with the American record company MCA Records. At the time, her songs were more successful abroad than in her homeland. The song The Second Time, including the video clip, which subsequently appeared in the popular series Knight Rider, took center stage. At the time, Kim Wilde was paying for a big star and touring Europe.

She managed to revive her career even in her native country, in 1987, for example, thanks to the hit Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree. She achieved her greatest success so far in the music field in 1988 with the album Close. For example, the well-known hit You Came comes from this. During her career, she released 14 albums and sold more than 10 million copies. She also collaborated with other artists, for example she performed at a Michael Jackson or David Bowie concert.

She met the love of her life while performing in a musical

In the 1990s, Kim Wilde met the love of her life, actor Hal Fowler. They met in the theater when they were both performing in the musical Tommy. Even then, the proverbial spark jumped between them. Then when Hal invited the famous singer to dinner, it felt as if they had known each other for a thousand years. They immediately had something to say and Kim Wilde was convinced that he was the one. Later, in an interview, she stated that it was because of him that she started thinking that she might get married someday. “Until I met Hal, I never felt like I wanted to commit. “I’ve never been engaged or lived with anyone before. “A couple of men I’ve been with may have assumed marriage was going to happen, but I never felt that way,” Kim Wilde said.

When he proposed to her in June 1996, she accepted. They got married in September of that year. Kim Wilde claimed at the time that she wanted as many children as possible, eventually the couple had two. In 1998, she gave birth to a son, Harry Tristan, and two years later, a daughter, Rose Elisabeth. Although it might seem that the actress hit the jackpot in her personal life, in 2022 came a shock when Kim Wilde announced that she was divorcing. In a joint statement, they said that no one else caused their breakup and that they remain friends. The reason why they parted ways remains unknown.

From music to gardening

When Kim Wilde was 30 years old, she discovered a new hobby that “grabbed her heart” so much that she still does it today – gardening. At that time, she bought an old barn in the country and began to improve herself in this field. She claims that this activity helps her a lot with the anxiety she suffers from. It is said that he always finds the desired peace in the garden. The hobby later became a job.

Foto: Andrew D. Hurley, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Kim Wilde in 2021

Kim Wilde has been a garden designer on Better Gardens and has also designed a number of gardens herself, including those for the British Flower Shows. She is also the author of two gardening books. Kim Wilde also boasts that working in the garden keeps her in shape and refers to her hobby as a ‘second gym’. The 63-year-old singer looks absolutely gorgeous and can be said to be aging gracefully. She let it be known that “she avoids plastic surgery like the plague”, and according to her words, she would only go under the scalpel if her life was in danger or for another serious reason.

Resources: Medium, The Vogue, Hello Rayo, Wilde LifeWilde Life – interview for the magazine OK!, Wilde Life – password Hal Fowler, Daily Mail, The Daily Gardener, Yahoo, Daily MailWikipedia – heslo Kim Wilde

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