Home » today » World » Sex scandal in the elections in Turkey: “Wagner” storms Ankara – 2024-10-07 03:04:33

Sex scandal in the elections in Turkey: “Wagner” storms Ankara – 2024-10-07 03:04:33

/ world today news/ On the eve of the elections in Turkey, the favorite for the presidency of the United States, Kemal Kulacdaroglu, essentially accused Russia of interfering in the democratic process. Earlier, claims were made to Moscow because of the victory of Donald Trump in the USA. It turns out that once we are so powerful, it won’t be such a big deal: win in Turkey, take the White House back to the Republicans, kick the Satanists out of the world government, putting a Russian Tsar over the planet. Read how the Russians manage world processes in the “Tsarigrad” material.

There is very little left until the presidential elections in Turkey – the decisive battle of the candidates will take place on Sunday, May 14 (the material was written before the elections, ed. View). And the country’s current leader, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, is on track to achieve it, thanks in large part to Russia.

Moscow is believed to have agreed to extend the disgraceful grain deal for another 60 days to keep the current president on the throne. If only because Erdogan, obsessed with the revival of Ottoman greatness, despite various meannesses (Turkish Kirpi armored cars recently appeared in the armed forces of Ukraine), is quite predictable and due to his “manners” will never become a full-fledged ally of the United States.

Unlike his colleague Kemal Kulçdaroğlu, who hinted that if he wins, everyone will see that Turkey is a NATO country. And he accused Russia of meddling in the election, writing a message on social networks:

“Dear Russian friends, you are behind the setups, conspiracies and content of Deep Fake* that were exposed in this country. If you want to continue friendship after May 15, keep your hands off the Turkish state.”

With this statement, Kulçdaroğlu hinted that the Russians were involved in the appearance of a scandalous sex video featuring another Turkish presidential candidate Muharrem Ince, who subsequently withdrew his candidacy from the elections.

Kulçdaroğlu also said he was waiting for “fake videos or voice recordings” of himself. All this is strikingly similar to the events of the recent past. Yes, to Democrats accusing Russia of meddling in the 2016 US presidential election.

It turns out that Donald Trump was put into the White House by the Russians. If so, what do we get out of it? Perhaps our countries have become closer to each other, and a glimmer of hope has dawned under the dome of the Capitol for the recognition of Crimea as Russian, and the military bases have retreated to the positions of 1997?

None of this happened and is not happening. But Trump subsequently had to fend off accusations of ties to the Kremlin for years and impose anti-Russian sanctions, as the parliamentary majority demanded.

The Russians are to blame

We were always accused of something. Once – in schism and heresy because of the reluctance to kiss the shoes of the Roman pontiffs. Then in bearish aggressiveness and intent to subjugate the whole world, while half the world’s population suffered under the whip of the Western colonizers.

And then, in the forced implantation of communism, without even trying to understand why the Third World countries, devastated by the Anglo-Saxons, saw in the red ideology an alternative to their own poor and lawless existence.

When we ourselves were poor, downtrodden and on the verge of complete collapse, in the wiles of the terrible Russian mafia in the West, although all these “diluters” of gasoline with urine with non-Russian surnames, could not compete with the extremely cruel Colombian and Albanian clans .

And since the time of Trump, the myth of “Russian interference” is widespread everywhere, and especially in those countries in whose politics the Americans themselves have unceremoniously interfered.

Russians in Syria, Libya and Venezuela

And so, after provoking bloody civil coups in Syria and Libya that escalated into protracted civil wars, the State Department blamed it all on Russia.

Russia publicly declares its support for a political solution, particularly in Syria or Libya, but at the same time engages in actions that disrupt the peace process and expand the conflict,

Christopher Robinson, First Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, pointedly lamented in 2020.

“They have interfered without having the right to do so. They do not have the consent of the Venezuelan people to be there. They are there as a hostile state,” the Trumpist (protégé of Moscow, it turns out?) US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was outraged by Russia’s actions and the Russians after Washington failed to stage a coup in Venezuela and install its puppet Juan Guaido there.

Russians in Montenegro

In tiny Montenegro, when the traditionalists gained strength there, then-President Milo Djukanovic was completely forced to instigate a fake “coup d’etat” involving real Russians and Serbs. Fortunately, it didn’t take long to find them both in this country.

Fortunately, almost everyone in Montenegro soon tired of Djukanovic and he was removed from power first after the parliamentary and more recently the presidential elections. At the same time, under the clear control of NATO and the USA, whose representatives made sure that the democratization that had begun did not acquire, as it once did, a pro-Serbian and pro-Russian character.

Russia will try to throw unhealthy narratives into the information space of Montenegro in order to provoke an increase in the degree of tension in the society in the pre-election period”, just in case before the presidential elections in Montenegro held on March 1, said the special representative of US Department of State for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar.

But he was afraid in vain: the people humbly chose those who were pointed out to them. And in general, everything is like that in the Balkans. If something fails, there is talk of corrupt Russian influence and Serbian imperial ambitions.

Why do the latter go together? Well, Serbia is a puppet of Russia! Didn’t know about it? Then hear speeches from the political leaders of the non-state of Kosovo, Albania, representatives of the Bosniak and Croat communities of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Croatia itself.

With the exception, perhaps, of Croatian President Zoran Milanovic, who is traditionally a critic of the Serbs, but still does not touch Russia. But on the other hand, in criticizing Russia, the Croatian prime minister and members of the local parliament do not lag behind their neighbors.

Russians in Africa

In connection with the recent activity of Wagner’s PMC in Africa, there have also been relevant statements of interference in the internal affairs of these countries by former colonizers and their American friends.

Well, how can I support myself if some Russians take under their wing countries ravaged by the descendants of the fir-helmet wearers, and to the delight of the natives?

And in “interference” in the Turkish elections, we will, of course, be accused by the protégés of the same forces. And in fact, based on our own interests, we will bet on the lesser evil – we still have no real friends in Ankara’s elites.

In the name of Erdogan’s resilience, we extended the scandalous grain deal and delayed Turkey’s natural gas bill by $600 million until 2024. How effective this move will be, we’ll see on Sunday. As well as whether the neo-sultana bet will be profitable.

What of this?

They will continue to blame us. Because we are like a bone in the throat of these anti-Christian elites and they will continue to powder the brains of their citizens with nightmare stories about terrible Russians.

And there is only one way out – to become truly great, to actively interfere in the internal affairs of countries hostile to us and to put our own people in charge. If they are so willing to talk about such things, then you should not mislead their expectations.

* Technology for creating fakes using a neural network – fake photos and videos.

Translation: SM

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