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Sevran: the murderer of Grégory Hatil sentenced to 25 years in prison

After four days of trial, the Assize Court on Friday sentenced Sylvain Gilles to 25 years in prison, to socio-judicial monitoring and to a 15-year ban on carrying a weapon. The latter had killed Grégory Hatil, 33, in June 2017 during a barbecue organized in the district of the Butte Montceleux in Sevran (Seine-Saint-Denis) which brought together nearly 250 people.

He had shot Gregory three times. He had been hit twice in the head, but it was the third bullet which, by severing his aorta, had proved fatal.

Throughout the investigation, he had made every effort to deny the facts. During the first day of debate he had finally admitted having fired, but without intention to kill. It will stay there. During these four days of trial, he never explained why or how he fired on Grégory Hatil. Certainly for four years a dispute opposed the two men. In 2013, Gilles had torn off the gold necklace that Hatil was wearing, and he had stabbed it with a knife a few days later.

Insults and threats during the verdict

During the barbecue organized by the victim, he presented himself wearing the necklace around his neck which had provoked the anger of Grégory and the murderous chain. Was the dispute around this necklace enough to explain Sylvain Gilles’ crazy gesture? Me Maud Touitou, lawyer for Grégory Hatil thinks “there was jealousy. They were so opposed. Grégory Hatil had a wife and two children. Grégory was the positive, Sylvain Gilles was the negative ”.

The statement of the verdict of the trial but especially that of the very high amount of civil interest paid to the widow and young children of the victim were greeted by the family and friends of the accused with swarms of insults and threats. . “You did this for money!” », Exclaimed in the courtroom those close to Sylvain Gilles. Grégory Hatil’s family had to be evacuated under police escort. A handrail was deposited by the widow of Grégory Hatil.

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