Lucrecia, I’m comingthread we have had íasprevious.lucrecia: good morning. knowthat we are experiencing astart a bit usualFebruary with temperaturesthey are going to turn towardsconditions to the alidsAs we approach theweekend.a system is coming our regionthat we have rain and notsnow. look what a picturebeautiful since new york whenlook what a beautiful imagefrom new york when theclock shows 5:45 am,conditions of 23.4 miles perhour and the wind does not feelthe best part ofcommunities.let’s see the trendcontinueon the rise temperatures between20 and 24 in the area ofcrown, if you see us like thisregion very special greeting andthanks from allteam.temperatures of 33, thatput us on the point of