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Severe Weather Forecast for New York City: Up to 2.5 Inches of Rain and Strong Winds Expected

Accumulated up to two and a half inches of rain and strong winds is the forecast for Friday night and early Saturday in New York City.

The National Weather Service reported this Friday that southeast winds with gusts of 25 to 40 miles per hour are also expected for New York, which in some cases can reach up to 60 miles per hour.

Additionally, coastal flooding is expected in Queens, southeastern and northeastern Long Island, and flooding is expected in these areas.

Rain will intensify during the early morning in New York

Stephanie Viés, meteorologist for the Guardians of Time, reported that the rains will begin to arrive at 9:30 p.m. this Friday.

“Another round of rain is expected arriving in the evening. Between 9 and 11 at night it starts to rain,” she indicated.

“The main hours in which these downpours will affect us will be between 11 at night and 4:00 in the morning,” added Viés.

“In the City we are going to receive (the strongest part of the system) at 1:00 in the morning and by 5:00 it should be dry,” he indicated.

After the passage of this system, temperatures will begin to drop during Sunday and Monday and there is a potential forecast for snowfall for next Tuesday.

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The winter storm dumped about 2 inches of rainfall and caused flooding in several towns in New Jersey and some areas of New York. They warn of the possible overflow of the Passaic River in the next few hours.


In New Jersey, towns like Lodi looked flooded after Tuesday’s rains.

Credit: AP


The rising Saddle River flooded several areas of this town and forced some evacuations.

Credit: AP

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In some places, the water almost completely covered vehicles and entered houses.

Credit: AP


Although the rain has passed, flood alerts are still in place for the area near the Passaic River in Paterson.

Credit: AP


Governor Phil Murphy warned of the risk of overflow in the coming hours.

Credit: AP

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“We are concerned about the area around the Passaic River, which will not peak until later today or Thursday. “We anticipate additional flooding in that area beyond what the cities are experiencing this morning,” he noted in a post.

Credit: AP


In New York, some streets in the Far Rockaway area also woke up with flooding.

Credit: Joaquín Torres


In this area, rainfall accumulations ranged between 1.4 and 1.9 inches.

Credit: Joaquín Torres

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Several towns in New Jersey woke up under water due to the rains this Tuesday. In addition, some areas of New York recorded significant flooding.

2024-01-12 12:41:00
#York #expects #downpours #flooding #Friday #key #hours

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