Freiburg (dpa/lsw) – Heavy thunderstorms with heavy precipitation caused severe weather damage in the Emmendingen and Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald districts on Sunday. There was a double-digit number of operations, as the police headquarters in Freiburg announced in the evening. One focus of the operations was around Titisee-Neustadt.
Cellars filled up, streets were flooded. A landslide occurred on the federal highway 294 near Biederbach-Frischnau. Because of several meters of earth on the road, it had to be closed.
Large amounts of water ran over adjacent slopes onto the state road 107 near Elzach-Prechtal. The road was said to be impassable and had to be closed for an hour. In addition, a parked sports car filled up there and was towed away due to technical damage.
State road 156 between Neustadt and Kappel will remain closed until further notice. Due to the amount of water, the road near the Gutachtalbrücke is so undermined that it threatens to collapse. Long-term construction work is required, so that a closure of at least several days can be assumed.
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