9 augustus 2023
There are heavy gusts of wind due to storm ‘Hans’ and there is a lot of rain, resulting in flooding.
Situation in Scandinavia
Travelers in Scandinavia should expect storms and very heavy rain showers on Wednesday. The weather services have issued code red for Norway and Sweden. Code yellow applies in Denmark. In Scandinavia storm ‘Hans’ causes a lot of flooding and landslides. The bad weather in Scandinavia is expected to continue for a few more days.
situation in Germany
Travelers in the north and northeast of Germany should expect storms and flooding due to heavy rainfall. The German traffic service recommends not to go on the road during (thunder) showers and storms. Driving with a caravan, camper and buses is particularly risky. The bad weather also affects ferry services and public transport schedules. The warning is expected to be lifted in the course of Wednesday.
Ask your travel organization whether your campsite has been affected and is also accessible.
See also Meteoalarm for more info.
Source: ANWB Traffic Information
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2023-08-09 05:14:47
#Severe #weather #Scandinavia #ANWB