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Severe starvation can cause refeeding syndrome

When you experiment hungrywe might tend to rush to refuel (refeed) when you get the food. As if he wanted to take revenge by eating as much as possible in a short time.

However, did you know that this “revenge” action can actually trigger other, more serious medical conditions, you know? This condition is known as a syndrome refeed or refeeding syndrome.

It can be said that, refeeding syndrome it is the unpreparedness of the body when it suddenly replenishes itself with food after a long absence. This condition cannot be considered trivial, because it can manifest itself in organ failure which can be fatal.

How is the syndrome refeed medically explained? Here’s what you need to know.

1. The process of refeeding syndrome

fast eating illustration (pexels.com/Kampus Production)

Under normal conditions or when the body gets enough food, the body breaks down carbohydrates from the food for energy. This process is called metabolism.

However, when food intake is lacking, the body cannot break down carbohydrates. Instead, the body is forced to break down other stores, which are fat and protein. In other words, it changes the way your body metabolizes food.

These metabolic changes can cause electrolyte imbalances in the body, such as low phosphate levels. These are electrolytes that help break down carbohydrates.

But when this hungry condition suddenly resumes food intake, it automatically forces the body to process the incoming food. Unfortunately, the levels of electrolytes available aren’t enough to break down these foods. So that there is a condition of the syndrome refeed.

2. Signs and symptoms of refeeding syndrome

Can severe hunger cause refeeding syndrome, what condition is it?illustration of stomach pain (freepik.com/KamranAydinov)

In addition to causing a decrease in phosphate, or also known as hypophosphatemic conditions, syndrome refeed it also causes reduced levels of other electrolytes, such as thiamin (vitamin B1), potassium and magnesium. As a result, symptoms can affect the body widely, starting with the digestive system, heart, lungs, kidneys, blood, and muscles.

The following provides a detailed description of the symptoms of the syndrome refeed:

  • muscle weakness, muscle pain
  • confusion
  • difficult breathing
  • double vision
  • convulsions
  • cardiac arrest
  • low blood pressure
  • high blood sugar rate
  • stomach pain, nausea, vomiting
  • severe constipation
  • heart problems: heart weakness, abnormal heart rhythm, ischemic heart disease
  • paru-paru edema
  • renal dysfunction
  • problems with balance and coordination (ataxia).

To collect Health line, these symptoms usually appear after 4 days of feeding. Some people may experience it, some may not. There is no sure way to know who will develop it. Therefore, avoiding the possibility would be much better.

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3. Who is most at risk of developing refeeding syndrome?

Can severe hunger cause refeeding syndrome, what condition is it?hunger illustration (pexels.com/Timur Weber)

Syndrome refeed often follows periods of malnutrition (malnutrition), fasting, extreme dieting, and severe starvation. While it’s not certain who can develop this condition, there are some groups known to be at a higher risk of experiencing it. Between them:

  • Lack of food for more than seven days with stress and fatigue.
  • You have lost up to 15% of weight in the last 3-6 months.
  • Have a body mass index (BMI) of less than 16.
  • Have eating disorders, such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa.
  • Have a history of alcohol use disorder or certain medications, such as insulin, chemotherapy drugs, antidiuretics, or antacids.
  • Have uncontrolled diabetes.
  • He suffers from malabsorption disorders, such as chronic pancreatitis and inflammatory bowel disease.
  • He suffers from cancer.

If you have the above conditions, you should see a doctor right away if you experience any signs and symptoms that lead to the syndrome refeed.

4. Treatment of refeeding syndrome

Can severe hunger cause refeeding syndrome, what condition is it?cancer treatment illustration (pexels.com/Ivan Samkov)

Individuals with the syndrome refeed you will usually undergo several tests, including a blood test. This aims to find out which electrolytes are missing or missing. Once identified, your doctor may provide additional treatment in the form of intravenous fluids (infusion) to address these needs.

The refeeding process must be done gradually to avoid overloading the body’s systems. On average, this starts with around 20 calories per kilogram of body weight, or half of your targeted calorie requirement. In addition, close monitoring must be undertaken by a medical team to ensure nutritional needs are adequately met.

5. Recovery and prevention

Can severe hunger cause refeeding syndrome, what condition is it?patient care illustration (pexels.com/RODNAE Productions)

Syndrome recovery refeed takes quite a long time. This can take up to weeks, depending on the severity of symptoms and the amount of nutrients lost.

Appropriate and timely management can increase treatment success. However, in some severe cases, it can be fatal.

The most effective way to deal with the syndrome refeed is to take prevention, although this is not always easy. Here are some things you can consider:

  • If you are fasting for a long time, it is best to do so under medical supervision.
  • If you have a serious condition related to malnutrition, take care to treat it
  • Don’t be too often or avoid alcohol use. This also applies to the use of other drugs.

Syndrome refeed it is a condition that occurs as a result of eating too quickly after a period of lack of food or nutrients. This can be a serious complication and requires medical intervention. See a healthcare professional immediately if you experience the conditions described above.

Read also: What happens when the body starves, how many days can we survive?

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