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Severe hair loss can be overcome by consuming this vitamin

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Severe hair loss can be overcome by consuming this vitamin (Freepik)

Stylo IndonesiaThe problem of severe hair loss can be overcome by taking vitamins.

Yep, now you can avoid severe hair loss problems by regularly consuming vitamin-rich foods.

In fact, what vitamin-rich foods can make severe hair loss manageable?

Instead of being curious, come on, let’s take a look at the following vitamin recommendations for dealing with severe hair loss.

Severe Hair Loss Can Be Overcome – Vitamin B

Stylovers, in the health of our bodies that maintain the body’s metabolism, one of which can be overcome by biotin or B7.

The content of B vitamins can help regulate the function of the nervous system and brain.

The most exist in the content of vitamin B to deal with severe hair loss, namely vitamin B3 and vitamin B7.

Severe Hair Loss Can Be Overcome – Vitamin C

It tastes fresh when it comes from natural citrus fruits, it turns out that the strength and health of hair can also be obtained by consuming vitamin C.

Also Read: 5 Eyelash Serums, Eyelash Loss Solutions Under IDR 100,000!

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