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Severe Flooding at Dog Boarding House in Tilburg Leaves Employees & Animals in Crisis

Sharon Leenders looks sad at the dog boarding house of Ron’s Total Dog Care in Tilburg, where she has been working for twelve years. Almost the entire site on the Dongenseweg is under water. “Our entire company has come to a standstill, we can’t do anything anymore.” The guesthouse has been suffering from heavy rainwater since November, but this weekend the situation became so bad that the fire brigade had to evacuate a number of goats and chickens.

“In just a few days, the water here has risen enormously,” says Sharon. “We have 2.5 hectares of land here. On average, there is now forty to sixty centimeters of water everywhere and that cannot simply go away here. You have to wear rain boots here, otherwise you will get wet. In itself we don’t mind all that, we They are used to working outside. But the conditions make it difficult.” She sobs: “You see something that you have worked hard for disappear very quickly.”

“This is unexpected and bizarre.”

According to owner Ron Kusters, two ways to drain the water do not work: a pumping station and a drainage ditch on the Burgemeester Letschertweg. “The pumping station is out of order and the ditch cannot accommodate the water, so something is closed. According to the water board, the pumping station and the ditch belong to the municipality and they have not done anything yet, even though they know what our site is like now. “

The company has contacted the municipality due to the flooding. “We have submitted a very large request for help there,” says Sharon. This is unexpected and bizarre. What we need? Another place where we can settle temporarily and where we can also receive people.”

Until then, they have housed the dogs at the very back of the property. “That is only a small part, but it is a bit higher than the rest of the site.” In addition, some crates with dogs have been placed in the reception area, which also serves as a canteen. Another temporary home has been found for the goats and chickens.”

“It feels like we’re letting people down.”

Sharon is disappointed that she has to disappoint her customers. “We are a day care center and a boarding house for dogs. We also provide training here. We also offer daytime activities for healthcare clients here. Vulnerable people find a place here. That has all now come to a standstill like a bolt from the blue.”

On Monday, the employees of Ron’s Total Dog Care were busy calling dog owners and care clients. “The fact that you have to disappoint people that we really can’t do anything anymore feels like you’re letting them down,” says Colette van Grinsven. She is involved in the healthcare part of the company. “This feels very sad to me.”

“We have to work up the courage.”

In the meantime, the employees are trying to make the best of it. But that is certainly not easy in these circumstances. “We have no more electricity, no toilets…”

“We have to work up the courage a bit,” Amina adds. She is the company’s field manager for the dogs. Colette nods: “We have to come up with solutions.”

The Tilburg dog boarding house can hardly do anything anymore because of all the water on the site (photo: Floortje Steigenga). The employees of Rons Total Dog Care have focused their hopes on the municipality (photo: Floortje Steigenga).
2024-02-13 12:16:20

#Dog #boarding #house #flooded #longer #electricity #toilets

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