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Severe disability: How to save money with a severely disabled person’s card

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The severely disabled person’s ID card offers people with disabilities extensive benefits that vary depending on the degree of disability and the symbols entered in the card. These benefits can make everyday life much easier and include tax relief, discounts on public transport, discounts on car purchases and much more.

Since the nature of the benefits varies from state to state and municipality, it is worth being well informed about the individual local regulations.

Discounts on public transport

People with severe disabilities benefit from various compensation measures in public transport:

  • Free or reduced fares: Depending on the degree of disability, use of local public transport may be free or reduced. These benefits are often linked to the presentation of a severely disabled person’s pass.
  • Barrier-free infrastructure: Accessible vehicles and stops are essential for people with mobility restrictions. These include ramps, elevators and special guidance systems. In addition, staff are often available to help with getting on and off.
  • Reserved seats: People with disabilities may be entitled to reserved seats as needed. Free seat reservations are possible for holders of certain badges, particularly on long-distance routes.
  • Call buses and taxis: In regions with limited local transport, on-demand buses or taxis can be used as an alternative. The cost coverage varies depending on the region and individual case.

Use special regulations with the parking permit

People with certain symbols on their disability card, such as “aG” or “Bl”, can apply for a blue parking permit. This allows parking in specially reserved parking spaces and is valid not only throughout Germany, but also in other EU countries. The parking permit is issued upon application to the responsible authority and is usually valid for five years.

Save money with the disability allowance

Severely disabled people can benefit from various tax advantages:

  • Disability allowance: This flat rate reduces the tax burden and depends on the degree of disability.
  • Extraordinary burdens: Costs resulting from the disability, such as doctor’s visits, can be claimed as tax deductions.
  • Tax-free employer benefits: Employers can provide certain benefits, such as travel allowances, tax-free.
  • Barrier-free apartment conversions: Costs for necessary renovations can also be declared as extraordinary expenses in the tax return.

Save money when purchasing a new car

Many car manufacturers offer people with severe disabilities attractive discounts when purchasing a new car. These can amount to up to 27% of the list price if certain conditions are met, such as a severely disabled person’s pass with a GdB of at least 50 and specific identification marks. Some manufacturers even allow the discount to be used if the vehicle is registered to a relative.

Discounts on post and telephone

There are also opportunities for savings in the area of ​​communication:

  • Postage-free delivery for the blind: Deutsche Post enables the free delivery of Braille documents.
  • Telekom social tariff: Severely disabled people can benefit from reduced rates for telephone connections.
  • Broadcast contribution: With the “RF” symbol, the broadcasting fee can be reduced by one third or waived entirely.

Discounted access to social activities

Severely disabled people can receive discounts for a variety of cultural and leisure activities:

  • Leisure pools and museums: Many establishments offer reduced admission prices. It is worth checking the respective websites for information in advance.
  • Sports events: Football clubs and other sports often offer discounts for people with disabilities. Information about this is available on the clubs’ websites.

Support and compensation for disadvantages for better educational opportunities

There are also various support options available for severely disabled people in the field of education:

  • Compensation for disadvantages: Additional exam time and barrier-free access to teaching materials are just some of the options available.
  • Tuition fee discounts: Some universities offer discounts or completely exempt severely disabled people from tuition fees.
  • Funding from educational institutions: Institutions such as the employment agency offer financial support for further training.

Better working conditions and additional vacation time

In their professional lives, severely disabled people are entitled to various benefits:

  • Workplace adjustments: There is a right to financial support for necessary adjustments to the workplace.
  • Additional vacation days: As a rule, severely disabled people receive five additional days of vacation per year.
  • Protection against dismissal: Severely disabled people enjoy special protection against dismissal.
  • Previous old-age pension: Severely disabled people have the opportunity to retire early.

Child benefit and aid subsidies

In addition to the benefits mentioned above, severely disabled people can, under certain conditions, receive child benefit beyond the age of 25. There are also subsidies for aids and vehicle modifications to make them suitable for disabled people, some of which are covered by health insurance companies or integration offices.

Carolin-Jana Klose has been an author at Gegen-Hartz.de since 2023. Carolin studied education and works full-time in health prevention. Her expertise lies in social law, health prevention and socio-political issues. She is active in counseling for the unemployed and is politically committed to helping those affected by poverty.

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