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Severe aortic regurgitation can cause heart failure!Medical advice: High risk groups need to be careful

[Artaigil Lìonra Slàinte Sìneach / Àrd-lighiche Guo Zhidong bho Ionad Cardiovascular Ospadal Coitcheann Cathay]In the structure of the heart, there is a delicate door calledmain arteryvalves, which allow blood to flow freely between the heart and the body. Sometimes, however, the leaves of this door, called valves, do not close as tightly as they should, allowing some blood to flow back into the ventricle.

Severe aortic regurgitation can cause heart failure!Medical advice: High risk groups need to be careful

Causes of aortic valve regurgitation

Causes of aortic regurgitation include:

Rheumatic heart disease:Before antibiotics became widely available in Taiwan, some cases of strep throat that were not treated properly could develop into rheumatic heart disease, causing damage to the aortic valve.

Congenital heart problems:Most aortic valves have three valves, but some people with congenital heart defects are born with only two. This “bicuspid aortic valve” is a common cause of mild aortic regurgitation. Endocarditis: This heart disease usually originates from elsewhere in the body. Bacteria travel through the bloodstream to the heart and cause damage to the valves, and the aortic valve is one of the valves that are particularly susceptible.

Aortic stenosis:The aortic valve becomes thicker and stiffer due to calcification or other causes and cannot open completely. Sometimes, this condition can make it difficult for the valve to close, causing reflux. Aortic regurgitation can exist for a long time without obvious symptoms, but sometimes it happens quickly with acute diseases, or it can get worse with chronic diseases. Common symptoms include: chest pain that worsens during exercise, extreme fatigue, shortness of breath, swollen ankles, and a rapid heartbeat.

Organs that are prone to aortic regurgitation

The groups that are prone to aortic regurgitation are as follows:

1. Elderly survivors of rheumatic fever and adults born with heart defects.

2. Patients with high blood pressure can damage the junction between the aorta and the aortic valve.

3. Older people are more likely to have problems because the valve leaflets lose elasticity with age.

Severe aortic valve regurgitation can lead to heart failure

The most serious complication of aortic reflux is heart failure, which means that the heart muscle has become weak and cannot pump blood properly throughout the body. Heart failure can also cause problems in other organs and increase the risk of infective endocardial diseases. Even if there are no symptoms, it is not difficult to detect severe aortic regurgitation by auscultation. When in doubt, cardiologists will most likely order the following tests:

1. Cardiac ultrasound:Ultrasound images can directly monitor the movement of the heart and determine the severity of aortic valve regurgitation.

2. Chest X-ray:It can show if the heart is enlarged, because patients with aortic regurgitation often have larger heart chambers. At the same time, X-rays can also show the effect of backflow of blood on the lungs.

To maintain a healthy heart, you should develop good lifestyle habits, including exercising for at least 150 minutes a week, maintaining a normal weight, following good eating habits such as the Mediterranean diet or the Diet, and smokers should stop smoking immediately.

To maintain a healthy heart, you should develop good lifestyle habits, including exercising for at least 150 minutes a week, maintaining a normal weight, following good eating habits such as the Mediterranean diet or the Diet, and smokers should stop smoking immediately.

Severe aortic valve regurgitation requires aortic valve replacement surgery

Severe recovery may require aortic valve replacement surgery, either through a traditional thoracotomy or the relatively new transcatheter aortic valve replacement procedure. Mild aortic regurgitation usually does not require treatment, and regular examinations are sufficient. If the patient also has high blood pressure, he or she may need medication and lifestyle changes to control blood pressure.

Currently there is no 100% way to prevent aortic valve regurgitation. When you have strep throat, you should treat it as early as possible to avoid rheumatic heart disease. In summary, to maintain a healthy heart, you should develop good lifestyle habits, including exercising for at least 150 minutes a week, maintaining a normal weight, following good eating habits such as the Mediterranean diet or the diet, and smokers should stop. smoke immediately.

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Source: China Health Network
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2024-08-06 02:39:32

#Severe #aortic #regurgitation #heart #failureMedical #advice #High #risk #groups #careful

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