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Several shots like guns sounded. During the assembly Expect to shoot rubber bullets at the masses

28 Feb. 2021, 9:09 p.m.—–

There was a chaos again. Due to the sound like several guns sounding Expect officers to shoot rubber bullets at protesters. Causing the demonstrators to retreat And cross to the side of a parallel expressway

At 20:.51 on February 28, the reporter reported the situation of the rally. Around Vibhavadi Rangsit Road Close to the veterans hospital where officers were found to be moving. Before it sounds like a rubber bullet. And tear gas was fired Causing the protesters to shout to the people in front Across the side to the expressway Along with telling people who don’t wear protective gear Hiding behind

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The ambulance sounded continuously. Before the volunteer medical team ran to the front Without knowing what happened Before walking back out

While around the fort to pay the expressway Found that a group of demonstrators lined up in a line to close the channel. Make the car impossible

Then the area Veterans Hospital There is an official announcement that The leaders announced the end of the rally. But the protesters were still confused. This is because this rally is without a leader.

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