A yellow danger warning has been issued for snow in parts of Eastern Norway on Wednesday, and heavy snowfall in parts of Finnmark. That’s what the Meteorological Institute writes on its pages websites.
From late Tuesday evening until Wednesday morning, 5 to 15 centimeters of snow is expected in Eastern Norway.
Asking people to be careful
On Wednesday morning, the police report several accidents on Twitter. The Swedish Road Traffic Center asks road users to be careful in the morning traffic, but says that the precipitation will decrease during the morning.
– We had a few showers last night, and with minus degrees turning to plus it can be slippery, says Omdal, says ttraffic operator in the Road Traffic Center west, John Andreas Omdal.
Omdal recommends waiting to change to summer tires until well over Easter as the weather is now. Subzero temperatures have been reported in several places at night in the days ahead.
– Although it’s nice and warm during the day, it can still be slippery.
The picture is from E18 in Sandvika in Bærum.
Photo: Vegtrafikksentralen
Warns of embezzlement
The meteorologists recommend that extra time be calculated if you are going out for a drive, and that there may be difficult road junctions in several places in the country.
In parts of Finnmark, there may be locally difficult driving conditions due to snow packing on the road. Convoys may be introduced and roads may be closed at short notice.
The collective company Ruter asks people to leave plenty of time when going out and traveling in Oslo and Viken on Wednesday.
In a traffic report, Ruter writes that major operational disruptions may occur with full and partial settings.
– We point out that the travel guarantee does not apply in such circumstances, writes Ruter.
Avalanche danger
In the morning hours, there have been several accidents in Eastern Norway. On the E18 at Holmestrand, a car has spun in the northbound lane. There should be no personal injury and the road is open in the right lane.
There has also been an accident in Lier where a lorry has slid into a car. The driver has been taken to hospital. The police write on Twitter that it is very slippery at the scene.
In Sunnmøre, Voss and several places in the north, there is a significant risk of avalanches.
– Travel in avalanche terrain requires solid knowledge, experience in route selection and the ability to identify avalanche problems, write the meteorologists.
It is recommended to avoid avalanche terrain.