Multiple people died and 15 others were in critical condition after suffering heat-related health issues at the Maharashtra Bhushan Award 2022 event attended by Union Home Minister Amit Shah and Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde on April 16. Over 120 people suffered from heat-related illnesses like dehydration due to exposure to sunlight, as more than 3 lakh people had gathered at the event which was held on a sprawling 306-acre ground in Kharghar. The temperature at the time was recorded at 42° Celsius. Fifteen people were admitted to different local hospitals, and the condition of one of them was serious. Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde has announced Rs 5 lakh aide granted to the kin of the deceased, and the government will pay for the treatment of those who suffered heat-related illnesses. Activist Dattatreya Narayan alias Appasaheb Dharmadhikari was given the Maharashtra Bhushan award at the event.