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Several countries begin to reduce containment

A reader with a mask and gloves who consults the press. – ALLILI MOURAD / SIPA

Containment measures taken in several large western countries to stem the coronavirus pandemic seemed Sunday to bear fruit, to the point that their relief is on the agenda, with caution and sooner or later.

First in Europe – continent with nearly two thirds of the 161,000 dead of the pandemic – to start a slow deconfinement operation, Germany to allow most stores to reopen on Monday with an area of ​​less than 800 square meters.

“Controlled” epidemic in Germany

With more than 135,000 officially registered cases and around 4,000 deaths, the pandemic in Germany is “under control and manageable,” said Health Minister Jens Spahn.

This “milestone success” is nevertheless “fragile”, warned Chancellor Angela Merkel, while Armin Laschet, leader of one of the most affected regions, North Rhine-Westphalia, warned that “we we will not be able to live our old life before long ”.

Several countries, including France (nearly 20,000 dead), Spain (nearly 20,500) and Italy (more than 23,600), recorded declining numbers of patients and deaths, after weeks of increase, allowing to see, for the coming weeks, the first measures of deconfinement.

“We have not come out of the health crisis”, even if “the situation is gradually improving, slowly but surely”, underlined the French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe, whose country, fourth in the world most affected in terms of deaths , after the United States, Italy and Spain, plans a gradual deconfinement from May 11.

Relief measures from May 3 in Italy

In Italy, the first relief measures will not be taken before May 3, the authorities reminded, but little by little businesses are reopening, even if only partially and with the luxury of precautions.

” We are back ! “Launched on his Instagram account the famous Roman glacier Giolitti, who announces a resumption of deliveries on Tuesday.

In Spain, the head of the health alert center Fernando Simon announced that, for the first time since March 22, the daily death toll had fallen, with 410 deaths, below the 500 mark.

The improvised morgue in a skating rink in Madrid, which symbolized the massacre that has plunged the Spanish capital into mourning, will close on Wednesday, and from April 27 the children, strictly confined since March 14, will be able to go outside to get some fresh air.

Nurseries reopen in Norway

In Norway, where authorities believe they have “brought the virus under control”, nurseries will reopen on Monday and the ban on second homes will be lifted. A second stage, from April 27, will see the partial reopening of colleges, high schools and universities.

“We can reopen society little by little. We will do this together, in a controlled and gradual manner, ”said Prime Minister Erna Solberg.

In the United States, where a showdown opposes President Trump, ardent defender of a rapid resumption of economic activity, to several Democratic governors, the governor of New York State, epicenter of the epidemic in the country, announced that the pandemic had started for the first time “descending” curve.

“All indications are that we are in a downward phase,” said Andrew Cuomo, who nevertheless called for caution. “Whether the decline will continue will depend on what we do,” said Cuomo, who recently extended containment measures until May 15.

The Israeli government has approved the relaxation of certain restrictions from this Sunday, as part of a “responsible and progressive” plan.

“Impossible for the virus to come from us”

The pandemic has killed nearly 161,000 people worldwide, including nearly two-thirds in Europe, since its appearance in China in December in the city of Wuhan (center), according to a report established by AFP from official sources Sunday at midday.

The United States, the country most affected both in terms of death toll (at least 38,664 according to Johns Hopkins University) and cases (at least 732,197), repeatedly accused China of having “concealed” the actual number of victims such as the severity of the epidemic.

In a new episode of the clash between the two countries and geopolitical adversaries, the director of the Chinese laboratory identified by the American media as a possible source from Covid-19 denied: “It is impossible that this virus comes from us,” said in an interview with the state channel CGTN, Yuan Zhiming, director of the Institute of virology of Wuhan, denouncing accusations “without evidence” and ” to deceive people. “

Most scientists believe that the new coronavirus has probably been transmitted to humans by animals. A market in Wuhan has been accused of selling live wild animals. But the presence a few kilometers away of this Institute of virology fueled speculation about a leak from these sensitive installations.

But for WHO, the pandemic is far from over, with “constant or increasing numbers” in eastern Europe – where Orthodox Easter was celebrated this weekend while churches were closed – and in the United Kingdom.



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