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Several are reluctant for the third dose. This is how the experts answer

About ten million doses of coronary vaccine have been given in Norway since December 2020. Almost two million have taken the third dose.

Several thousand reports of possible vaccine side effects have also been reported. As of January 4, 4,527 of these were characterized as serious, according to figures from The Norwegian Medicines Agency.

Will not take third dose

Changes in the menstrual cycle have been among the side effects. TV 2 has earlier this autumn mentioned that a large number of women developed menstrual disorders after the coronary vaccine.

One of them is 23 year old Maria Vilster. She experienced severe menstrual disorders after she was vaccinated this summer. Since then, she has decided that she does not want to take the third dose.

WILL NOT TAKE THE BOOSTER DOSE: Maria Vilster will not take the refresher dose after she experienced severe side effects when she took the coronary vaccine. Photo: Private

– I do not want to expose my body to the same load again, says Vilster.

Still, she feels pressure to take it.

– You have to take it to live freely, I would say. You must have the third dose to be able to travel to Sweden or the South. In the worst case, you may need to have it to travel to a concert. That is not right, Vilster thinks.

Understand that some people are nervous

People over the age of 45 or with underlying diseases have become recommended of the National Institute of Public Health to take the third vaccine dose, while everyone else between 18 and 45 has received offer about it.

Geir Bukholm, director of infection control at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health, understands that some people are nervous about taking the booster dose. He emphasizes that people between the ages of 18 and 45 have good protection if they have taken two doses of vaccine.

PROVIDES GOOD PROTECTION: People between the ages of 18 and 45 can get better protection against new mutations by taking the third dose, says infection control director at FHI, Geir Bukholm.  Photo: Petter Sørum Johansen / TV 2

PROVIDES GOOD PROTECTION: People between the ages of 18 and 45 can get better protection against new mutations by taking the third dose, says infection control director at FHI, Geir Bukholm. Photo: Petter Sørum Johansen / TV 2

– We know that the third vaccine dose in this age group does not provide any very strong extra protection against serious illness, ie so serious that you end up in hospital. But it will be able to provide protection against symptomatic disease, says Bukholm.

In addition, he points out that a third dose of vaccine better protects against new mutations. But he stresses that the election must be voluntary.

– You can choose to take a third dose yourself. And it must be justified in what you want to protect yourself from. For example, there may be moderate illness.

– Normal way of reacting

Immunologist and professor of medicine at the University of Oslo, Anne Spurkland, will not state that the side effects are due to the coronary vaccine.

– Having changes in the menstrual cycle is not uncommon. There have been a few more who have experienced this after vaccination, but to say that it is the vaccine’s fault directly, I’m not sure if I completely agree with.

She emphasizes that she understands that some people are nervous about taking the booster dose.

NOT LONG-TERM: Immunologist Anne Spurkland says that one should not be nervous about long-term side effects.  Photo: Bjørn Roger Brevik / TV 2

NOT LONG-TERM: Immunologist Anne Spurkland says that one should not be nervous about long-term side effects. Photo: Bjørn Roger Brevik / TV 2

– I think this is a physiological response, and that it is a normal way the body reacts if you get an inflammatory disease – either because of the vaccine, which can cause fever and some discomfort – or the viral infection.

However, she believes that one should not be nervous that the side effects will be long-lasting.

– It is of course scary, but it is not something you need to be anxious about in the long run, says Spurkland.

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