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several anti-Semitic tags discovered Monday in the 9th arrondissement

These images are shocking. Monday morning, the 9th arrondissement of Paris woke up with many antisemitic tags in its streets. “These are not Kristallnacht archival photos. [le pogrom de novembre 1938 qui s’est déroulé dans toute l’Allemagne nazie] but the streets of Paris this Monday”, strangles the Union of Jewish Students of France (UEJF) Monday on Twitter, supporting photos. The perpetrators have not yet been found.

“The whole neighborhood is covered in Stars of David, the word ‘Jude’ [“juif” en allemand] or the expression ‘I am a racist’, tagged in large white letters”, specifies the UEJF. The association is alarmed by the location chosen for the tags, given the “historical Jewish presence” in the neighborhood and proximity to “synagogues and Jewish institutions”. Worried about the safety of local residents, the UEJF has warned the authorities and is asking that the culprits be condemned.

Quickly cleaned tags

On Twitter, the deputy mayor of the 9th arrondissement Jean-Baptiste Gardes claims to have involved the cleanliness services to remove “these unacceptable inscriptions”. The incident made several political figures jump: “These anti-Semitic acts are heinous”condemns the mayor of Paris Anne Hidalgo. “To vomit, to condemn and to punish”stings the Minister of Transport Clément Beaune.

This incident occurs 4 days before the Annual International Day of Remembrance in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust
established by the United Nations every January 27 since 2006. The UEJF accuses the culprits of wanting to transform this week of commemoration “during the week of the apology of Nazi anti-Semitic policies”.

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