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Seven-year employment contract for Granby firefighters

MUNICIPAL. Granby firefighters have said yes to a new collective agreement ensuring them union peace until 2027. An employment contract that guarantees them an annual salary increase of more than 2% in addition to a bonus for salary catching up.

The City of Granby and the Independent Union of Firefighters and Firefighters of Granby formalized the agreement during a signing session at the fire station on rue Léon-Harmel on Monday. Approved on May 19 by the sappers at a union meeting, the new contract provides for a series of additions which guarantee them better working conditions. Among the gains obtained by union members, let us note the creation of 16 permanent positions, including 12 starting in 2021.

“Our collective agreements are all signed at the moment and I hope that this working atmosphere that we have created together over the past few years will continue long after my departure. There is nothing better than coming to work with a smile, ”said the mayor of Granby, Pascal Bonin.

This agreement also ensures a rotation of the teams, and this, during the 168 hours of work carried out each week by the members of the brigade.

“The main challenges have been to have full-time firefighters and to catch up on salary. Social benefits for part-time firefighters were also part of the discussions because we agree that they were not entitled to any sick day in the last agreement, ”said the president of the Independent Firefighters Union and Granby firefighters, Normand Robillard.

According to the union representative, the entry of permanent sappers will allow members to breathe a little bit of breathing space, who often have to hold another full-time job.

“Being a part-time firefighter and doing 40 hours a week at his main job, it was not always easy to combine all of that with a young family. It was extremely demanding. Today, I believe that the City of Granby is there to have full-time firefighters and to have a little more staff at the fire station, ”said Mr. Robillard.

The two sides used 13 meetings before finalizing the new seven-year pact.

“We had a stake for us, on the side of the employer, it was the presence at the fire. By expecting a minimum attendance rate with the union, that assures us of staff (…). We, as an employer and representative of citizens, what we want when there are fires (or other events) is to have firefighters on the fires. All of its conditions, renegotiated with the union, fostered acceptance and a good understanding on a minimum attendance rate which is mandatory for the firefighter, ”explained the general manager of the City of Granby, Michel Pinault.

Agreement in brief …

-Valid from 1is January 2021 to December 31, 2027

-Creation of 12 permanent positions in 2021 (first hires in December). Addition of four other positions in 2023;

-A firefighter on internal guard more per shift from 2021. A second resource in 2022.

-Wage increases: 2.5% plus 2.88% as a catch-up for the years 2021, 2022 and 2023, 2% in 2024 plus 2.88% as a catch-up and 2% for the years 2025 to 2027.

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