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Seven Students from Reunion Achieve Admission to Sciences Po Paris

Seven students from Reunion will join Sciences Po Paris next year. They were received this Monday, July 17 at the Inverted Pyramid.

HA / Cynthia Veron / Jaël Galichet • Published on July 17, 2023 at 7:22 p.m., updated on July 17, 2023 at 7:34 p.m.

After the holidays, seven young people from Reunion will join Sciences Po Paris and its delocalized campuses. They were admitted to the prestigious school after having successfully passed the written and oral tests of the entrance examination known to be very selective.

Among the lucky ones, Angélique Tréport, future student in Paris. The young bachelor who lives with her parents in the heights of Saint-Denis is still particularly moved when she remembers the day she learned of her admission.

The report of Réunion La 1ère:

Angélique Tréport is one of the seven young people from Reunion admitted to Sciences Po Paris for the next academic year

It was June 5, I didn’t realize right away. All day I thought it was a mistake but it was real. (…) All the work I had done for three years ended up paying off“, she confides. Angélique prepared the competition alone, without having recourse to a preparation. The icing on the cake: she won her baccalaureate with the congratulations of the jury.

For Ymane and Yaël, two other students also admitted to Sciences Po, this is a golden opportunity to embark on an international professional career. “It’s an accomplishment because it was a lot of work and it’s also an honor because we didn’t think we’d come to this.“, confides the first who will take the direction of Reims. The second wishes to head for an MBA.

In Reunion, seven high schools are under agreement to help students prepare for the entrance exam to Sciences Po Paris • ©Jaël ​​Galichet

The seven lucky winners were received this afternoon at the Inverted Pyramid, in Saint-Denis, where the President of the Region Huguette Bello was able to congratulate them. “It is a great pride for us to welcome these young people from Reunion because we know that these children will follow in the footsteps of those who have become ministers or even senior civil servants. It is a source of pride for all Reunionese“, she reacted.

For the Reunion Region, it was an opportunity to recall that it accompanies Reunionese youth. A budget of more than 200,000 euros is allocated to young people from Reunion who are taking their first steps in student life.

From the second to the final year, seven high schools are under agreement to help students prepare for the entrance examination. Guillaume Govindin represents the students of Sciences Po Paris in Reunion: “It is a multidisciplinary training and therefore what is interesting with Sciences Po is that it is generalist training“, he explains. Training at Sciences Po Paris lasts five years.

My first fight is that students in all high schools do not come up against self-censorship or social determinismstill defends Guillaume Govindin. I travel with Sciences Po alumni to the various high schools to explain to them that they should not limit themselves and prepare for the Sciences Po or other school competitions“. A message that is beginning to bear fruit.

2023-07-18 07:30:32
#young #people #Reunion #prepare #join #Sciences #Paris #Réunion #1ère

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