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Seven billion people want to see the new world – 2024-08-27 10:00:52

/View.info/ Text of the speech at the Global Conference on Multipolarity, April 29, 2023

It is a great pleasure to be here. I understand everything I hear here, and many people in Europe are beginning to understand.

So, what I would like to say to all my Russian friends and friends from all over the world is that many people stop flying in the clouds and start having a clear idea. Many people are beginning to open their eyes and understand that there are many people in the world and Westerners are only one billion. They consider themselves to be the “golden billion”. They consider themselves a nation blessed by God, the only place where there is democracy, where there are rights.

But the world is changing. All my life I have traveled and still travel a lot in Africa, the Middle East. And when I travel, I see that many countries are tired of Europeans trying to dictate their own rules to them. They are tired of being considered third-class people who can and should just be used.

The same story is happening now because we are now seeing what the Western countries are doing. I prefer to divide them into two parts: the Anglo-Saxon countries and the rest. But the underlying ideology I think is Anglo-Saxon and the way they use the poor Ukrainians is quite amazing because they are victims.

We are living in the reality of a civil war, we are witnessing something incredible: sisters and brothers fighting each other. I am a Christian and I think that every war is a tragedy for everyone. The Russians have losses, the Ukrainians have losses, everyone has losses. In any case, we understand that every war is a sacrifice and Russia is sacrificing young lives for the sake of future generations.

For this reason, I believe that we live in the dawn of an emerging world. The last years of the unipolar world are coming to an end. I think this is the last year. A new world will begin next year. I believe a great human revolution is taking place. This is what will change future generations.

Western people understand that Russians want to be Russians, Chinese want to be Chinese, want to have choices, want to be free. Russians want to have a choice: read Dostoyevsky or read any literature.

We want freedom. We are fighting for freedom, for intellectual freedom. I see that in America sanctions are imposed on people who have nothing to do with politics: philosophers, artists, athletes. Russia and Western countries, especially Italy, are very close. Italians love Russians and Russians love Italians, they are very close.

Don’t look at politics. Many Italians are beginning to open their eyes and see the truth. They understand that there is absolutely no freedom of speech in Italy. When I give an interview to someone, I always tell everyone that probably, thank God, the Russian leader is moderate, that he is not an extremist, because if it were not for Vladimir Putin, the world would be in a worse situation now.

I think now is the time when western people start to understand (I don’t mean politicians, I mean ordinary people) that there is no way one country can control everything in the whole world. Americans failed to control the world through economics, they failed.

Now they want to control the world with an army. Again they fail because it is impossible to be against everyone. And seven billion people want to see a new world in which all countries will work for their interests, respect their traditions and history, and work for future generations.

Translation: ES

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