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Settlement of accounts in Tremblay-en-France: two suspects arrested for shooting two brothers

Fifteen days after the attempted murder in Tremblay-en-France, two men aged 26 and 24 were brought to the Bobigny prosecutor’s office. The first had been referred on February 9 for “attempted murder in an organized gang” and placed in pre-trial detention. The youngest has just been presented this Friday. Both, from the Grands Ensembles district, in Tremblay-en-France (Seine-Saint-Denis) are suspected of being the authors of a double homicide attempt committed on January 30. That evening, shortly before midnight, gunshots were heard in Léopold-Sedar-Senghor Square. Two brothers who are on the plot are hit by the shots. Abdelmalik, 32, is seriously injured in the abdomen, Mohamed, 28, hears a bullet whistle at the level of his skull, causing a scratch. Fortunately no vital part is affected.

Mobile still mysterious

Despite the late hour, there are still a few people chatting in the square. Witnesses see two men get out of a car. Then once the shots were fired, they got back in and fled the vehicle.

Their identity is known very quickly. The alleged shooters live in the neighborhood. “Public rumor had designated them as the perpetrators,” confirms a source close to the investigation. After two weeks on the run, they resigned themselves to reporting to the police station.

Their motive still remains mysterious. Is it a narcotics affair or a dark dispute between young people that has taken on disproportionate proportions? In police custody, the suspects were very uncooperative.

Despite the seriousness of his injuries, Abdelmalik was saved.

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